How easy it is to tie a guy (man) to yourself: instructions for a girl

Try this ...

How to tie a guy to you - if you want to know how easy it is tie a guy to you or a man, then do it! Better yet, try this ... If you have met the guy (man) of your dreams and you are overcome by an inexplicable desire to be with this person, then you cannot do without serious preparation.

Find out what he likes

First of all, you need to find out what his preferences are for. What he likes, what he enjoys, what he prefers from food, etc.

Next, put yourself in order.

Makeup, hairstyle, clothing, manicure, pedicure. Outwardly you must be perfect. If, when looking at you, he catches on, then half of the job has already been done.

Next up is a subtle psychological game

One philosopher said "you can only love what you know." When meeting with him in small portions, give out information about yourself, but you should not present it like boasting, otherwise there will be a backlash. Try it in stories. It is easier to perceive and remember. You shouldn't tell everything at once. Any woman should have a secret, a mystery. Curiosity attracts a guy (man) like a magnet.

How easy it is to tie a guy (man) to yourself: instructions for a girl

Try to gradually bring conversations from "I" to "WE"

For example, what are we going to do? What will we eat? It is necessary to gradually prepare him for the fact that he is no longer alone, that there are two of you. Trust me, it works pretty hard.

Any person needs warm communication, positive. And this means that you need to forget about resentments, tantrums, raising your voice. If there is a misunderstanding between you, then it is worth building a constructive business conversation. This way, you will not only resolve the disagreement, but also bond.

Don't bother with calls

All men, even boys, are conquerors. Easy prey (a woman-prize) can quickly get bored, but the excitement in the game of reaching the location or attention of a girl overwhelms the stronger sex to the brim. It seems that the guys are ready to play this game forever.

How to tie a man

Take an interest in his life

Talk to him, ask his opinion, about his aspirations, problems, victories. They need to feel needed, indispensable, and significant. And if you are always glad to him, positive, do not bother the guy with your problems, you look in his taste, then over time he will not notice how attached. He will need your company like air. Good luck in achieving your goal.

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