Find out what qualities men are looking for in women, and become an ideal

Find out what a man appreciates and strike him down ...


This is the question women often ask themselves if they are single. Why can't you find a decent man? Why isn't the relationship that seemed so promising at first? Why is there no mutual understanding?

Find out what qualities men are looking for in women, and become an ideal

In fact, everything is not so complicated. You just need to know what qualities attract men, and what kind of woman they are looking for in order to call her an ideal.

They are looking for the one with which their masculinity will be manifested.

As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex do not want to see their boss, nanny or second mother nearby, who will constantly point out their mistakes, command everywhere. Or, on the contrary, to surround her with care so much that it seems that her hand is about to reach out to wipe her nose. It's funny, but there are also such ladies. A man wants to see the one that will give him the opportunity to apply his skills and knowledge, support him in this, will praise and admire his success sincerely and with joy.

They are looking for a woman who smiles

A smile pleases, a smile encourages, lifts the mood of others, with the help of a smile they make compliments. A woman smiling at her beloved can always find a common language with him. One wants to communicate with her, while the gloom and the sight of the cold "snow queen" is tiring and repulsive.


They are looking for a woman who values ​​trust.

Trust is an important factor in the relationship of partners. If they trust each other, then their couple is harmonious. If a woman from the first days of acquaintance tries to control her beloved, his correspondence, telephone conversations, meetings with friends, such a relationship will only bring disappointment.

They are looking for a woman who values ​​personal freedom.

You met, you are together, and everything is fine. But this is not a reason to demand from a loved one that he devote all his time only to you. A man has friends, hobbies, and this is his personal territory. Which, by the way, you should have. When he gets together with friends to watch a sports broadcast, do not ask to take you with him. Spend this time usefully, do what you love, please yourself with something. A man will definitely appreciate this approach.

They're looking for a woman who loves bitches

No matter how close the relationship is, a woman who refuses a man in a s * kse destroys them herself. For a man, such a refusal means that his beloved rejects him.

They are looking for a woman who can create comfort.

Coming home and finding warmth and peace there is what is important for a man. He needs a home where he wants to return after a hard day, where they are waiting and taking care of, they will be greeted with a kiss and a hot dinner. A woman who creates coziness in the house makes her partner feel appreciated and loved. And it helps him to set off on a new day with renewed vigor.

See also: How to include a woman in yourself and become more seductive.


the beauty
