What types of women are attracted to men?

Who do they choose and why?

Each person tries to find his ideal in this world. Most believe that men prefer tall, blondes with chic data, but is this really so?

Everyone has their own

Many girls are sure that this is so. Therefore, they begin to experience various diets on themselves, which most often bring only harm to the body. Women make various sacrifices for the sake of men, but nobody really needs it. No one will truly appreciate your efforts in the future. This will mean that, first of all, the person will be loved for the picture.

What types of women are attracted to men

Think about it. Maybe that's the way it is? And instead of "painting" the perfect one, is it worth adding a little more realism to the relationship? After all, over time, any girl will begin to want more, to be understood, listened to and much more.

If there was a standard of beauty in the world, then people would simply not exist. But do not forget that, first of all, men love with their eyes. If you go deeper, you can find that in addition to external data, there are also ideals to internal qualities. Each man will have his own.

For some it is to see their woman in a tight-fitting outfit, for others it is an enchanting look. Many men prefer their woman to combine such qualities as kindness, a sense of hilarity, and similar interests. For some men, there is nothing sexier than a woman who catches your every word. In addition to all the attractive features, there are also those that scare off the male gender.

And what kind of ladies repel them

  • The first sign is that the woman is trying to take on the role of the boss. Definitely men do not like it when women are superior in everything. In such a relationship, there are eternal quarrels for leadership.
  • Also, men are repulsed by girls who are not addicted to anything. They are only interested in how to spend money and where to have a good rest. Such girls are not able to lure as a good conversationalist. Even if they have excellent external data.
  • Many men are discouraged by women who behave inappropriately. Those who have forgotten about their feminine qualities. And they are similar in behavior to men.
  • There are also women for whom only material values ​​matter - they “pull money”. More often than not, men are not able to meet all their needs and relationships quickly come to an end. Yes, you can, of course, take money, but only after the man has been tied. After all, if somewhere he smells of love, he will run away immediately.
  • Also, men cannot tolerate very jealous women. Especially if this jealousy has no reason at all. And then the man is not able to endure it, then he does not see the point in further relationships.

Every woman should remember these simple tricks to help build a long and happy relationship.


the beauty
