Why a woman is lonely - eradicate these reasons and find a man

Why are there so many beautiful single women?

This term has been increasingly flickering in recent times in media sources. Loneliness psychologists call a state in which a woman experiences a feeling of discomfort. Is “comfort” really okay with her state of mind?

Why is a woman lonely

According to official statistics, 40% of women are single. But, sometimes, it seems that these data are underestimated. Every second woman tries to find her happiness.

Scientists have proven that single women are more likely to suffer from obesity and heart disease. Loneliness destroys our inner balance and leads to nervous breakdowns.

To understand how to deal with loneliness syndrome, you need to understand the underlying causes of this condition. So why is a woman lonely?

In the modern world, women have become men

The era of the "strong woman" has come, and a strong woman is often lonely. After all, who next to him can withstand a tyrant who keeps everything under his control.

"I can do everything myself!"

"I do not need anyone!" "Why do we need these men?" By nature it is laid that a woman is a weak and fragile sex. She should be behind the man, not far ahead of him. She forgot about her most important functions - to be a mother, mistress and friend for her husband.

Too independent

A modern woman is too independent and perceives herself on a par with a man, who, at the same time, loses its origin. The natural balance is disturbed, which is the cause of loneliness. Do not be afraid to be weak in the eyes of a man and learn to trust him. Push it forward, and harmony will come in your life.

The reasons for loneliness can also be hidden in deep childhood.

Perhaps the girl saw the scandalous divorce of her parents, where her mother was offended. Now she is afraid to enter into a relationship, afraid to repeat the fate of her mother. There is an obstacle, but you need to fight with it, because not all men are like that. Moreover, much in a relationship depends on a woman, how she puts herself, so she will be treated.

Unsuccessful experience

Sometimes a woman is afraid to enter a new relationship because of previous bad experiences. She was deceived and hurt by her ex-boyfriend. Fear of new disappointments prevents her from starting a new life, because she is lonely.

"I'd rather be alone!"

Such thoughts should not arise in a woman's head at all. She condemns herself to loneliness, and then depression, illness and disastrous outcomes. There are tons of good guys out there looking for their own happiness as well. And the statement that "the peasants need only one thing" is probably invented Us. And it is not true. Everyone needs warmth, family comfort and the other half nearby.

Excessive requirements

A lonely woman is often a woman with high demands. She may have been popular at school. And he still chooses and waits for a more worthy option. But it must be remembered that it may not exist. Do not wait for a prince in a white Mercedes, but rather earn it together. After all, as they say in the well-known parable: "To be the wife of a general, you need to marry a lieutenant."


Complexes can also be the cause of a woman's loneliness. Fullness, too tall, small breasts - it's all not so important. The main thing is what is inside, your energy, vitality and optimism. A person who is open to the world attracts people to himself more than a “blue stocking”. The most important reasons for loneliness are hidden in ourselves. A timely struggle with oneself can give the desired result on the path in search of happiness, a life partner.


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