6 tips to make a guy fall in love with you at school?

His surname is Zakharov. I was not indifferent to him. Later I realized that it was just a game and I didn't feel any love. It was a high school senior with blue eyes, tall. He did not feel any feelings for me, I will say more, he generally did not pay attention to me and I decided to make him fall in love with me.

How to make a guy fall in love at school

So, ideas for how you can fall in love with the guy you like at school. Indeed, very rarely there are situations when mutual feelings immediately arise.

The implementation of ideas fully depends on your desire to fall in love with a classmate and therefore whether he is free. After all, if you fell in love with a guy who loves another girl. Very sorry! As you know, happiness cannot be built on someone else's misfortune.

how to love a guy in school

What to do to make a guy fall in love with you at school

  1. How to draw attention to yourself.
  2. Experiments with looks.
  3. We develop self-confidence.
  4. Do I need to rush things.
  5. Explore and fall in love with the guy.
  6. What guys like.

How to draw a guy's attention to a girl

If you like a guy, you need to give him a hint about it. First, get his attention so that he sees how beautiful you are. This is actually easy to do if you are sure of it yourself.
Are you good?

“Nothing will come of it” - this thought is firmly stuck in your head and does not make you feel confident and beautiful. So, let's get rid of! To do this, you just need to ask for support from your loved ones, friends, girlfriends. You can also do it yourself. Actions and deeds uncharacteristic for you will help you in this.

1. Let's experiment with appearance

After all, guys judge a partner's attractiveness optically. But, we will not change dramatically. First, you need to update your wardrobe. Just buy yourself two or three new things. For a girl who wants to fall in love with a guy, dresses, blouses and flying skirts are more suitable, as long as you like them.

A new haircut, some decorative make-up, with an emphasis on mascara, lip gloss and light powder, enough to feel that you have changed! Do not try to be like someone else, naturalness and individuality, this is your goal.


2. Self-confidence

To learn to appreciate yourself, you should first love your body. It's possible that you like your reflection in the mirror and that's great. But, sometimes, before putting on a short dress or shorts, you meticulously look for flaws. Either the legs are overweight, or the height is too small. Probably, you should already accept the idea that you always need to take care of your body, so sign up for a gym and go in for sports. Enjoy your appearance, have hobbies, hobbies, go to the pool, gym and the guy will surely notice it.


Should we rush things

The desire to be with him is quite justified. Perhaps you are in the same class or school with him. This is a great opportunity to get his attention. Always be cheerful and open to conversation.

Let's say the school has a disco or some themed evening, for example, Valentine's Day. Invite him to dance easily and naturally. It's definitely worth a try! By doing this, you will show that you like him. But, of course, all actions depend on the situation, you should not be intrusive, sometimes a couple of phrases and an admiring glance will be enough for him to remember you.

must_or_ rush_ events

Study your boyfriend

Study your boyfriend, his habits, tastes, outlook on life. Try to understand what kind of girls he likes, modest, gentle, businesslike, stubborn, bitches, blondes, brunettes. This will help you, firstly, to get to know him more and become the closest to his ideal.For example, if you communicate with him at school, you can quietly find out the answers to your questions in a personal conversation. You can also do this through friends or social networks.

And suddenly, after your observations, you will realize that this, in general, is not your person and you have nothing in common. Such a development of the situation also often happens.

And remember that you can adapt to the tastes of the guy for a while. So what is next? You will change for him from the outside, but inside you will remain the same as you were. That is why, as a rule, such relationships do not last long.

What I would like to advise. It's still better to stay natural, but at the same time try to create such an atmosphere around yourself that the guys themselves reach out to you and fall in love. And you just have to choose.

Experiments_with_ appearance

What do guys like

  • 1. Guys love to be admired.
  • 2. When you ask them for help.
  • 3. When you laugh at his jokes.
  • 4. When he tries to get you.
  • 5. When you are natural and at ease.
  • 6. When he is a little bit smarter than you.
  • 7. Guys love mysterious girls.
  • 8. Learn to joke yourself.
  • 9. When you take care of them.
  • 10. Guys love passionate and happy girls!


Let's summarize.

All girls, as a rule, dream of a great feeling. Romantic love usually flashes at first sight. Girls begin to idealize the image of their beloved boyfriend without measure and are addicted to this game !, and not by the desire to find a partner with similar tastes and views. Therefore, very often the first love rarely ends with something big and serious. But, novels make you feel unique and loved. So girls - fall in love, fall in love and be loved!


the beauty
