People kiss, kiss, and why?

Kiss, kiss and be loved.

90% of people remember their first kiss in every detail. And you? The longest kiss recorded in the UK lasted a whopping 32 hours and 30 seconds. Kissing is a science that we study and comprehend all our lives. After all, on average, a person spends 2-3 weeks in his life kissing. What could be the reasons why you need to kiss, as often as possible?

Why kiss as often as possible?


1. Kissing is necessary first of all to improve health, mood and, as much as possible, prolong your life.

You've probably noticed that during kissing, your heart rate increases, your breathing is delayed. This is a good workout for the cardiovascular system. During a kiss, we use the facial nerves, which perfectly strengthens and trains them. Moreover, kissing, we lose weight. So, one kiss burns five kilocalories, like any physical activity.

Doctors have noticed that people who kiss often live longer and happier. This is not surprising, because the mood rises, there is no depression, the nerves are not tense. The hormone of happiness, love is automatically triggered, which leads us to euphoria, relaxation, pleasure.

2. Everyone knows the horror story about bacteria and viruses that are transmitted through a kiss

We agree, but only partially. During a kiss, we really exchange bacteria, our immunity begins to react to the appearance of new bacteria, but at the same time it begins to actively develop protection - antibodies. In this way, we train our immune system to meet the next epidemic of influenza and other viral diseases. And that's great. Of course, there is no need to kiss sick people in the acute stage.

3. Kissing boosts self-esteem

If they want to kiss you, you are probably very charming, attractive and surrounded by the attention of the opposite sex.

4. The first kiss in life, it is simply impossible to forget

Suffice it to recall the difficult years of adolescence, embarrassment, admiration, after the first kisses, which increase self-esteem, rise a step higher on the way to adulthood.

First kiss

5. With kisses we show each other who is our friend and who is our enemy.

If you feel hostility, dislike for a person, then any touch will cause disgust, so we are unlikely to want to kiss this person.


Sympathy, love, friendship, kinship - on the contrary, push us to direct contact - hugs and kisses. Therefore, psychologists categorically advise and insist on kissing your children as much as possible in order to strengthen faith in them, to show them from birth that they are loved.

It is important to remember that many fragile children feel completely helpless without a mother's kiss. Hug and kiss your children more often. Don't miss the chance to get a little closer to your little ones.


6. Kissing is a very intimate process, to some extent even more than sex.

Think of Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman, when she immediately marked the boundaries. A kiss makes sense in a romantic relationship. This is the manifestation of your mutual feelings.

Kisses symbolize peace, love, passion, friendship, kinship, passion, sex, desire, cheer up, strengthen relationships. That's why people kiss.


Kisses = endorphins = hormones of happiness and love.

Kiss, kiss and be loved. See also: 8 kinds of kisses that will just drive him crazy.


the beauty
