Sos care: how to get rid of bags under the eyes, top 5 ways

Sos care - there is no easier way.

Swelling under the eyes do not look very aesthetically pleasing, the face with them looks older than it is. 5 proven ways will help to effectively solve this problem.

sos-care bags and puffiness under the eyes

1. Potato mask

Potato contains a special enzyme that whitens the skin as well as expensive lotions, and also reduces swelling. The recipe for use is simple: you need to cut fresh potatoes into circles and apply them to your eyes for a few minutes. The product nourishes and nourishes the skin with useful microelements, helps to cope with morning puffiness.

2. Healthy menu

If we talk about nutrition, the best way to get rid of edema is to exclude from the diet foods that provoke them: canned food, dried fish, chips and other foods that contain a lot of salt.

3. Compresses with chamomile

Pharmacy chamomile bags can work wonders. Chamomile has not only antiseptic, but also softening and soothing properties. In a short time, it will relieve irritation and reduce bags under the eyes. The bags must be brewed with boiling water, wait until they cool down and apply to the eyelids for a couple of minutes.

4. Correct body position during sleep

Sleeping on your belly promotes fluid buildup under the eyes. Therefore, it is better to train yourself to sleep on your side or back. The filling of the pillow also matters. Feathers can cause allergies and puffiness, but synthetic fillers do not.

5. Cold spoon effect

Swelling underneath can be reduced by applying a cold spoon to the eyes. The cooled metal has a tightening effect, reduces swelling. To enhance the effect, it is better to use several pairs of spoons at once. You can cool them in the freezer or with ice cubes.


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