The main mistakes in facial care: after 20, 30 and 50 years

Follow our guide and correct facial care mistakes.

Facial care mistakes are a separate but important topic. Today it is difficult to find a girl who neglects beauty rituals. Unfortunately, not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity take care of their faces correctly. And this, of course, needs to be corrected in order to look more attractive, and after 50 years - younger.

Facial skin care errors

Facial care mistakes after 20 years

We have tried to select the most common mistakes in facial care - and we will tell you about them below.

Use the wrong product to cleanse your face

Girls, make it a rule to always choose a cleanser for your face type. In this case, do not forget to close the bottle with the product. Oxygen destroys many active ingredients, your product will deteriorate much faster.

  • Milk and emulsion are only suitable for dry skin.
  • Gel, soapless soaps, hydrophilic oil for oily skin only.
  • Mousses and foams are recommended for combination skin.
  • Only those with normal skin types can afford to wash with water.

All cleansers must be rinsed off with warm water and be sure to apply a toner for your skin type. You should not wash off cosmetics from the eyes with such means if there is no mark that is suitable for the eyelids.

Skin care mistakes after 20

Do not use Sanskrin in their care

Sanskrin, literally - protection from the sun. But only 30% of girls use Sanskrin on a regular basis. In basic care, there must be a high-quality product with SPF, it is indicated for absolutely everyone. Therefore, do not forget to use sunscreen in the city with an SPF of 30-50. If you are planning to relax, we recommend more SPF 50. The bright rays of the sun intensely affect the skin. How to choose and apply sunscreen in the city and on the beach read here.

Squeeze out pimples

It is categorically impossible to squeeze out inflammatory elements on your own. However, if this happens, then it is necessary to treat the skin before and after with a solution of chlorhexidine. Next, locally cauterize the pimple with salicylic alcohol. After a few hours, treat the inflammation with zinc ointment or salicylic-zinc paste.

Doesn't moisturize the skin if acne is present

Another common mistake in facial care. Remember moisturizers do not contribute reproduction of bacteria. Rather, washing with soap (alkali) will bring problems to those who suffer from acne, especially during an exacerbation. Therefore, moisturizing creams can be applied to the entire face and even to inflammatory elements.

Facial care mistakes after 30 and 50 years

The wrong facial treatment can make your look much worse than it could be.

Facial skin care errors

Do not use anti-aging cosmetics

The mistake made by a large number of women is that after 30 years of age they do not pay attention to anti-age products. According to statistics, every second woman actively uses moisturizing creams, but not anti-aging creams. Cosmetologists recommend starting a full-fledged home face care immediately after the age of 25. Otherwise, skin aging occurs earlier.

Apply a moisturizing face cream on the eyelid area

This is a huge mistake in caring for the eye area. After all, face creams do not undergo ophthalmic testing. Moreover, the eyelid product is lighter in texture, which is why it does not weigh the skin down. The skin of the eyelids is very thin and ages earlier than all other areas. Cosmetologists recommend adding specials to the care.gel or serum for the eye area. Apply such funds 1-2 times a day, with fairly active movements throughout the circular muscle of the eye.

Please note that you do not need to come close to the lash edge, avoid applying the product along the moving eyelid.

Do not take care of the neck and décolleté

The neck and décolleté are constantly deprived of care. A very small percentage of women take care of these delicate areas. So, after 25 years, the neck and décolleté must be cleaned with surface peels based on fruit acids and a mask must be made. The procedure should be carried out at least 2-3 times a month.

In addition to peeling, a lifting cream should be applied daily at night, designed to tighten the skin of the chin, neck and face contours. And a serum under the cream. This systematic home care will cleanse, moisturize the skin and help maintain youthfulness for a long time.

Recommendations for the selection of care products

You don't have to go far to find basic home skin care for yourself (without visible serious problems). Determine the type, condition, features of your skin. Understanding her needs is not so difficult, consider age when choosing and using funds. Look at the composition, not the cost and the brand. In the end, it's worth reading reviews, finding out how to use the product, or consulting with a beautician. The main thing on an ongoing basis is to cleanse, tone, moisturize and nourish the skin.


the beauty
