Rejuvenating Raw Potato Facial Mask

Why are raw potatoes so good for your skin? We tell ...

Few people know that raw potatoes are a skincare boon that should not be neglected. Simple and, at the same time, useful natural remedies are often forgotten when they are at hand.

Potatoes contain a huge variety of nutrients, including starch, vitamin C, which allows it to be used for cosmetic purposes, neglecting chemistry. This common vegetable can do wonders. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at it for those who use potatoes only as food. There are five great ways to use a raw product as a beautician.

Rejuvenating Raw Potato Facial Mask

1. Goodbye, bags under the eyes

Usually, the solution to this problem belongs to slices of fresh cucumbers. Potatoes will cope with such a task just as well. Firstly, due to the special sensitivity of the skin around the eyes, the blood circulation in this area is improved due to the high content of vitamin C and antioxidants in the tubers. Secondly, there is a narrowing of the capillaries.

To deal with dark circles you will need two large potato wedges, which must be chopped and placed in two linen handkerchiefs. The next step is to apply a compress to the problem area for 20 minutes. The result will not disappoint expectations.

2. Removal of age spots on the skin of the face

Age-related changes in the skin of the face will become less noticeable when they are lightened with raw potatoes. To prepare the mask, you will need the following ingredients: the pulp of a small tuber, one medium cucumber and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (the dosage should not exceed 10 ml).

Grate vegetables finely, add vinegar to them and mix the resulting mixture well. A small piece of cotton wool (you can use a cotton pad) soak in the product and then apply it on the face for 15 minutes. After the specified time, wash with cool water.

3. Stop aging skin

To prevent dry skin, you should massage your face with a small potato wedge every time before going to bed. The procedure should be carried out after preliminary cleaning of the epidermis in circular movements over the entire surface of the skin. The final stage is rinsing the face and applying a nourishing moisturizer.

4. Fight against acne

The beneficial substances contained in raw potatoes help to remove toxins and cleanse the skin of the face, which favors treating so-called acne.

The algorithm of action is similar to the previous recommendation, but it has its own difference: after the massage is completed, you do not need to rinse off the potato juice (but, accordingly, no cream).

5. Tones up the skin

Daily worries, stress and poor sleep can add a couple or three extra years to the skin. To keep your face looking fresh and rested, you need to drink plenty of water, eat right, and rest on time. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to follow all the recommendations, so a raw potato mask will not hurt.

Making a miraculous compress using grated vegetable pulp mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice will be a great habit. The mask is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with water (preferably warm, but room temperature is allowed). The result is simply amazing.

It turns out that there is no need to spend a lot of money on the purchase of expensive cosmetics - they can all be replaced from childhood by such a familiar and simple raw potato. Do you use homemade masks? How often? What are your favorites? See recipe anti-aging mask for women after 30.


the beauty
