Express scheme: how to cleanse the skin of the face from single rashes

Numerous rashes on the skin of the face indicate disruptions in the work of internal organs and systems, but with single rashes you can cope on your own.
how to cleanse the skin

Common causes of acne

  • 1. Most of the problems with the deterioration of the skin condition are associated with improper care, rare visits to your beautician.

  • 2. The next group of reasons in terms of frequency - hormonal disorders (an increase in male sex hormones), failures.

For example, a direct link has been established between the occurrence of acne / acne and puberty, PMS, after termination of pregnancy, as a result of taking or canceling contraception.

  • 3. The third group is associated with disruption of the sebaceous glands (inflammation), often occurs in adolescence.
  • 4. Psychological problems, stress.

Studies have shown that accumulated psychological problems can cause hormonal imbalances in a woman, bring down the menstrual cycle, which leads to deterioration of the skin (acne). As emotional problems diminish, the corresponding problems go away.

  • 5. A number of rash provocateurs are associated with nutrition.

Diet is an important factor in acne treatment. It is worth giving up fatty, fried and spicy foods completely. Switch to consuming enough unsaturated fatty acids. These substances are found in sea fish, nuts, cereals, natural oils.

Enrich your diet with any fresh vegetables, fruits and foods rich in coarse fiber. Excessive consumption of refined sugar, chocolate, caffeine, strong tea, and alcohol should be avoided.

  • 6. The last group is caused by problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract.

You can start drinking any plant-based hepatoprotector. Course reception "Lactofiltrum", vitamins, mineral supplements containing magnesium, zinc, vitamins: C and a complex of B vitamins, will have a good effect on the skin and the body as a whole.

8 tips for cleansing up to 10 acne at home

  • 1. Start washing your face daily with tar soap, but only at night. This is due to the fact that the soap has a rather strong and specific smell.

On a steamed, damp face, apply a foam of tar soap and leave for 5 minutes. Wash yourself with warm water. Tar soap contains a small percentage (10-20%) of birch tar, since ancient times it has been used to cleanse the skin and have an antiseptic effect. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

  • 2. On individual elements of the rash, after cleansing with tar foam, you can apply calendula tincture or ordinary iodine.

A gruel of aspirin and water helps well, apply pointwise.

  • 3. Give up hard scrubbing. It injures the skin and provokes the onset of the inflammatory process.
  • 4. Every morning and evening, cleanse your face with a mild soothing gel for sensitive or problem skin, preferably marked non-comedogenic.

Such gels are hypoallergenic, without dyes, fragrances, contain natural ingredients and extracts for the care of capricious skin.

  • 5. For this "rehab" week, give up any cosmetics.

Better to update your bag later, preferring light makeup products that won't clog your pores or for sensitive skin.

  • 6. As a mask once a week, we suggest using coconut oil, with the addition of a few drops of tea tree oil.

Refined coconut oil is lighter and cleaner, but unrefined coconut oil contains more nutrients. Apply it to previously cleansed skin for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the remaining oil is blotted with a dry napkin. Banana peels are also good for banana masks, read the link.

  • 7. Unlearn to keep your hands on your face and squeeze out inflamed pimples.

how to clear acne skin
There are more germs on the hands than in the intestines. Touching your face with unwashed hands - you bring pathogenic bacteria into minor skin injuries, squeezing out acne - you spread the infection over the entire surface of the skin and into deeper layers.

  • 8. There are a number of drug-based drugs available to help you fight for a clean face.

For example: Zenerit, Skinoren, Azelik, Baziron and others. They penetrate deeply into the skin, have anti-comedogenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound-healing effects. The effect of these drugs is felt after 14-30 days of use. Apply the product to the skin after thorough cleansing in the morning and at night.

After these manipulations, you will notice a positive result. In any case, do not forget to contact a cosmetologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist, for an accurate diagnosis, prescription of individual treatment.


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