4 ways to treat dark circles and puffiness under the eyes: they really work

Help, especially a soda mask.

It is impossible not to agree that bruises and swelling under the eyes do not decorate at all, but on the contrary - they give a painful and tired look. They can arise for a variety of reasons.

Effective ways to treat dark circles and puffiness under the eyes

Common causes

  • The least thing to worry about is if the circles appeared during a cold or flu - along with the symptoms of the disease, they will go away, a real cause for concern is the wrong lifestyle, as the cause of bags and bruises under the eyes.
  • First of all, you should pay attention to the quantity and quality of sleep. In order for the face to freshen up and take on a healthy look, it is necessary to allow the body to rest for at least 7-8 hours a day, and sleep should be of high quality - not on the way in transport or at the school desk, but in a soft, comfortable bed.
  • The position of the body during sleep is also important - you should not raise your head too much, it is better to choose a flatter pillow and learn to sleep on your back.
  • Bad habits also do not improve the appearance in any way, and the less a person abuses cigarettes or alcohol, the better his face looks. Instead of, for example, smoking, it is better to train yourself to drink enough fluids throughout the day (about two liters). Water will help improve metabolism and avoid edema (bags under the eyes are edema).
  • It is very important to monitor your diet - food should bring a sufficient amount of energy and strength into the body, and perhaps this only if the correct proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are observed.


At any age, a person requires personal care. In everyday life, you need to choose only high-quality cosmetics, even if the price for it is much higher - low-quality cosmetics will not make you more beautiful at all, it will only harm you.

To avoid the appearance of circles under the eyes, even with a busy rhythm of life, it is necessary to regularly apply compresses (from tea leaves, fresh parsley or cucumber) and do a special facial massage to "disperse" the bags from under the eyes.

Pharmacy ointments

Pharmacy ointment for hemorrhoids has a pronounced anti-edema effect. According to cosmetologists, it can really help bring the skin of the eyelids in order. However, one must take into account the fact that it is definitely not worth using it on an ongoing basis - this can lead to the appearance fine wrinkles around the eyes.

Ointment for dark circles under the eyes

Soda mask

Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of hot water or tea. Mix well. Take a couple of cotton pads and soak them in the prepared solution, place them under the eyes for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off and apply a moisturizer.
By practicing this procedure daily, you will achieve amazing results in just a week.


Unfortunately, all these measures are effective only if they are regularly followed for some time. If you need to freshen up your appearance right now, it's not a sin to resort to concealers - for example, concealer. When applied correctly, it will help hide dark circles under the eyes and will significantly refresh the appearance.


the beauty
