How to develop a new relationship with a man (boyfriend)

7 tips for developing a relationship after meeting a man.

You have met your soul mate. And you think, wondering how to save and how long the relationship will last? It's no secret that new relationships are often destroyed as soon as they start. Every relationship is different and different, but it's good that there are universal tips to remember, especially when you're starting a new relationship.

The beginning of a new relationship


1. Do not control every step of your new lover.

This has always been difficult for me. When I fell in love with someone, I wanted to spend every second with him. I literally became obsessed and this was often the reason for my unsuccessful relationships. Such excessive attention is a "good" way to turn anyone away from yourself.

Therefore, try to avoid intrusiveness and constant confessions, especially in romantic messages and during dates, if you are just starting out.

Guys love it when the girl herself takes the initiative and can take the first step. However, they do not like it when a girl begins to control and constantly demand attention, this is sometimes annoying.

Advice. Avoid extremes, find a sweet spot in your romantic SMS and chat.


2. Don't pretend to be someone else

If you love someone, then it's only natural that you want reciprocity. You try to meet his expectations and preferences. But, you cannot make yourself different. As a result, sooner or later you will get tired of playing this game and pretending to be different. This also applies to appearance and character.

Advice. Try to be honest and open from the start. Don't hide your flaws.

Don't hide your flaws

3. A new friend is not your previous one.

Never try to compare your new partner to your previous one. Also, do not discuss your previous relationship with new boyfriend.

This is the easiest way to get him to be suspicious, jealous of all your male friends. The rule works in two directions, which means, do not try to ask you about his ex-girlfriends.

Advice. You don't really need to know a person's past to get to know them better?

4. Avoid rapid developments

You have just started dating and are already presenting your wedding, a happy family with 2 children and a dog. Wait a second, not so fast. New relationship, you need to check the time to get to know each other better. And you cannot do without disputes, reconciliation, discussions, clarification of relations. Statistically, such a relationship usually has a chance to become happy.

Advice. Remember, your relationship must flow naturally.

5. You don't have to be the center of attention

In an attempt to impress your new friend, you can go too far in conversation and start showing off your interests, hobbies, and accomplishments.

Instead, try talking about his personality. Ask about his work, family, become an active listener. And your compliments will increase his self-esteem and dignity. However, don't overdo it to avoid the opposite effect.

Advice. Give compliments, kind words to your significant other. Love is a person's ability to give, care, and admire.


6. No need to collect information about your new partner

If you have mutual friends, don't try to ask them about your new boyfriend.Once the guy finds out about this, you will have difficulty trying to explain the situation to him. As you know, love is when you feel good with each other, your soul rejoices, anxiety goes away and trust grows!

Advice. Spend time together more often.

7. Your appearance is the main thing for him

Appearance is part of you. Follow trends, news all year round. Men like grooming.

Advice. Take care of your skin, figure, hairstyle and clothes every day.

Take care of yourself, tips for developing relationships after meeting a man

8. Don't jump to conclusions

Many relationships fail simply because you expect too much from your potential boyfriend. Let's say you begin to attribute non-existent traits to it and imagine the relationship as it should be, instead of enjoying the real one. Unsurprisingly, such a relationship could collapse in the very near future.

The result of your relationship depends on many factors, love is not a fairy tale, but work on yourself and at the same time the search for harmony in a relationship.


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