Effective fat-burning wraps that work wonders

Wraps for activating lymph flow, reducing volumes, cellulite manifestations.

The main purpose of fat burning wraps is to speed up the metabolism and the breakdown of excess fats. First of all, any wraps are aimed at reducing volumes, not kilograms. If you want to fit into your favorite jeans in no time, wraps are just what you need.

Fat burning wraps: how they work, contraindications

Anti-cellulite and fat-burning wraps

Different types of wraps use different ingredients, information about them is below. But all of them, penetrating the skin, increase the flow of blood to the sites of application, as a result of which the metabolism is accelerated, breaking through the stagnation of lymph and enhancing its outflow (removal of excess fluid). Due to the withdrawal of unnecessary water, the body decreases in volume and the figure looks slimmer.

Sequence of the procedure

  • Cleansing and exfoliation. Before the procedure, it is advisable to exfoliate your skin from the scales of the stratum corneum in order to increase the effectiveness of the wrap. Depending on the condition of your skin, the scrub is selected on a water or oil basis.
  • By the time the wraps are applied to problem areas for 40-60 minutes. After that, the losing weight takes a shower (without soap and gel) and prolongs the effect of the wrap, applying a special cream or serum as a final touch.
  • In professional salons, after wrapping is often followed by a massage that enhances the effect of this procedure.
  • Within 24 hours from the moment of wrapping, it is advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water in order to rid the body of toxins.


  • Correction of problem areas.
  • Cellulite on the waist, hips.
  • Sagging skin after fast weight loss.
  • To enhance the effectiveness of your workouts.

For whom wraps are contraindicated. This procedure is contraindicated for pregnant women, lactating mothers suffering from various types of vascular and skin diseases.

Body wraps for weight loss in salons are expensive. And the best solution to this eternal problem may be to wrap problem areas at home. On the plus side, you can wrap any part of your body: stomach, hips, arms. The most popular wraps can be considered.

Slimming wrap with sea salt, coconut oil, coffee

For this wrap you will need: a warm protective bandage, as well as a little water (2-3 tsp), ground coffee (1 tsp), sea salt (1 tsp), coconut oil (1 tsp), a few drops of your favorite essential oil. For example, lemon or rosemary. You need to soak the dressing with the prepared compound. Apply to the problem area. And then wrap the place warmly. Leave for several hours (you can overnight). After several procedures, you will feel the result.

Honey and milk

Such a wrap is also called a wrap or Cleopatra's bath, since it was this queen who introduced the fashion for taking milk baths for the silkiness of the skin and preserving its youth. Adding honey to milk, which has a warming effect, allows you to remove excess liquid.

It is very easy to prepare such a wrap at home, it is only necessary to mix milk with honey in equal proportions and apply to a specific area or to the whole body. The mask should not be runny or too thick. In consistency, it should resemble a liquid cream. After application (on the waist), you need to wrap the selected place with foil and put on a warm robe.To enhance the thermal effect and a deeper effect of the ingredients.

Wrapped body for thermal effect


This is probably the most popular type of wrapping. There are many types of clay and they have different effects when applied to the skin. Choose blue or gray to fight cellulite. For smooth and youthful skin - pink. The required amount is simply diluted in water. Just do not get carried away, the consistency should be the same as in the previous version, maybe even a little denser.


Fat Burning Chocolate Wrap

In addition to the guaranteed good mood after such a wrap (the smell of chocolate promotes the release of the hormone of joy), you will get elastic, radiant and slightly tinted skin. It is preferable to choose dark chocolate, since only it contains a large amount of cocoa butter and cocoa powder. Chocolate has a melting point of 36 degrees, so it does not freeze on the skin.

Alternatively, you can make a wrap simply on the basis of cocoa powder diluted with hot water and essential oil: orange, rosemary, sandalwood, lemon.

Ginger and Lime Juice Wrap

Over the past few years, the popularity of ginger as a weight loss aid has grown tremendously. It is also used when wrapping, but be careful, it burns very delicate areas, so it is strongly not recommended to apply it on the inner side of the thigh.

For wrapping, ground ginger is used, mixed with olive oil and lime juice (5-8 tablespoons). For a more powerful effect, you can purchase fresh ginger and grate it on a medium-sized grater. The olive oil will penetrate the skin and leave it smooth and pleasant to the touch.

It will also soften the effects of the ginger and prevent you from getting severe redness or even burns. Fresh lime juice will help to make the skin elastic, add tone, due to the additional improvement of blood circulation in the problem area.

Cardio exercises (jogging, jumping rope), sauna, bath procedures (steam room) and proper nutrition will be an ideal addition to the wrap, and very soon you will enjoy the reflection of your figure in the mirror.


the beauty
