9 easy drinks to help you shed excess fat

Simple drinks to help fight obesity.

Slimming drinks help tune your metabolism, reduce your appetite, and cut down on your daily calorie intake. What drinks should you pay attention to? The answer is simple.

Weight Loss Drinks

Many women looking to lose weight start looking for methods to burn fat efficiently and safely, and usually find a ton of helpful tips for making miracle drinks at home. These include various drainage combinations with green coffee, ginger, lemon, cinnamon, sesame seeds, vinegar, herbal and others. However, studies by nutritionists prove that simply drinking drinks for weight loss is not enough if you drink and eat more than you burn. Remember this.

Everyday drinks that help you lose weight

ice water

1. Drink cold ice water

This is the most affordable remedy for those looking to lose weight and a good help for the immune system. What could be easier - just drink water. At the same time, you can consume an additional 100-150 calories per day and at the same time lose 10 kg per year. Why?

  • Our body will need to burn calories (or fat) in order to heat the ice water to body temperature.
  • Water before meals reduces appetite, promotes quick satiety.
  • Water allows your liver to utilize fat and thus has a positive effect on metabolic processes.
  • Replacing sugary soda, store-bought juices, and alcoholic beverages with water can create a deficit of hundreds of calories a day. For example, to burn 500 ml of Sprite with a caloric value of 150 kcal, you need to run on a treadmill for 30 minutes.
  • The rate of fluid intake can be calculated as follows: weight (kg) multiplied by 30 = N fluid. So, with a weight of 60 kg, you need to drink 1 liter of 800 ml of liquid. Including tea, juice, soup, water.

2. Drink skim milk

drink milk

Milk is known to be an excellent source of calcium. And as Canadian studies show, the more calcium in the diet, the faster the weight is lost. This is mainly due to several reasons.

First, calcium is involved in the processes of fat utilization by activating an enzyme (lipase), which, in turn, breaks down fat in the body. The norm of calcium per day for an adult ranges from 800-1200 mg.

Secondly, a diet enriched with calcium (dairy and fermented milk products) suppresses appetite and we eat less. But the lack of calcium in the body really prevents us from losing weight!

In order to feel the effect of calcium on the body and achieve the desired effect, limit yourself to low-fat or low-fat (up to 3%) dairy products.

3. Drink whey rich in protein

Whey protein helps burn more fat (lipolysis), suppresses appetite by stimulating the production of the hormone cholecystokinin; regulates blood sugar and insulin levels.

Whey protein, like other high protein foods, has a thermogenic effect (heat generation), and with it increases the energy expenditure on the basal metabolism, which means that the body works hard to digest the protein (protein), stimulating the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Serum is perhaps the most effective dietary product on the diet of a woman looking to lose weight.If you notice that you are gaining a little weight, drink from time to time 2-3 cups of whey a day and you will always maintain your desired weight.

4. Drink green tea

Losing weight know that it is difficult not to lose weight, but to maintain the result. Green tea is a great helper in this regard. It harmoniously and naturally helps to maintain the achieved result.

Medical research shows that green tea and green tea extracts reduce the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Drink green tea instead of regular tea, lose more calories and lose weight. To your health.

Green tea contains caffeine, which enhances metabolism (metabolism) - burning calories and fat, mildly suppressing appetite, which naturally leads to weight loss; helps to control the level of glucose in the body, has a pronounced diuretic effect, due to which the body gets rid of excess fluid.

The catechins and polyphenols in green tea are involved in thermogenesis - this is when the body burns fat in order to get energy. You can drink up to 1 liter of green tea per day, either neat or diluted with skim milk. The only thing is that it is recommended to brew it not with steep boiling water, but with water heated to 75-80 degrees.

5. Black coffee

coffee helps to lose weight

If you need an extra charge in the morning and afternoon, coffee is a better choice over energy drinks. Why are energy drinks bad? Most of them are just calorie bombs.

Studies have shown that drinking coffee in moderation (about 2-3 cups a day) prevents the development of cancer. Coffee has a diuretic effect, will help relieve fatigue, increase vigor, concentration, lower blood glucose levels, and is rich in antioxidants.

But according to experts from Australia, coffee in the amount of more than three cups a day leads to the accumulation of fat, since it contains chlorogenic acid (although earlier, this substance was considered useful).

However, we are interested in coffee in terms of weight loss. The main value of coffee is that it contains caffeine, which suppresses appetite, increases metabolism, provides high endurance in the gym, helping to convert fat into energy.

Coffee with various additives. If you add whipped cream, sweet syrups to a mug of black coffee, then the calorie content of the aromatic drink will increase to 500 calories. If you do not like regular black coffee, then dilute it with a little skim milk and add stevia (a natural sweetener) so as not to exceed the daily calorie intake.

6. Smoothie-based yoghurts for weight loss

light diet drink

Healthy yogurt cocktails reduce appetite, are enriched with calcium - dairy products, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, help normalize intestinal microflora, eliminate toxins and toxins, strengthen the immune system. Try adding Greek yogurt, whey protein, and skim milk to your smoothie to diversify your diet and reduce weight.

7. Vegetable and fruit smoothies for weight loss

They contain antioxidants, fiber - they cleanse the body and improve the emotional state. Whisk natural yogurt (150 g), cinnamon, banana (0.5), strawberries, blueberries (can be frozen) in a blender on high speed into a frothy cocktail. And you have a delicious smoothie drink ready instead of a high-calorie dinner.

8. Drink natural mineral water

The legendary mineral water is famous for its healing properties, which help to normalize metabolic processes in the body. As before, mineral water is a welcome guest of any feast. Namely, nutritionists recommend drinking it after eating meat and spicy dishes, so that pleasant memories remain.

On this, perhaps, we will end our review. Normalization and optimization of the drinking regimen will allow you to take control of your weight, get rid of the gained pounds. That being said, remember to be active and happy.


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