Wow effect: how to make eyelashes dark and fluffy without chemicals

Home bio-toning and strengthening of eyelashes - wow effect without extension!

All women dream of being beauties so that those around them give them compliments and look with admiration. And for this, the ladies are ready to do, if not everything, then almost everything. Special attention is now being paid to eyelashes. Indeed, with the development of the beauty industry, new ways of caring for them have appeared. For example, artificial eyelash extension... But there are old proven ways to make eyelashes fluffy and expressive without chemicals.

Eyelash care at home

Keep your eyes clean

Makeup is beautiful. However, try to remove all makeup at night, as mascara weighs down your lashes and puts additional stress on them. Do not use soap. There are plenty of makeup removers available. A weak warm tea nourishes the eyelashes. You can wash your face with it in the morning, and then anoint your eyelids with moisturizer. Now many women complain of brittleness and loss of eyelashes. And there are many reasons for this:

  • - lack of care and ecology;
  • - building up artificial;
  • - the means used are of low quality.

Systematic home care for eyelashes

To keep your eyelashes long, thick and black, try lubricating them with any oil at night. Or you can mix several at once + add vitamins "A" and "E" in oil. For 1 tsp. oil 10-15 drops. The result will only get better.

Take an old ink, thoroughly rinse the container, brush, and pour oil-balm there. So it will be more convenient for you to wear this mixture on your eyelashes. You can only use a brush, whichever suits you best. Nourishing oils + vitamins incredibly quickly stimulate hair growth, thicken eyelashes, and heal the skin of the eyelids. As a result, lashes can get fuller in just a couple of weeks. The main thing is to do the constantly necessary procedures:

  • - smear eyelashes with a mascara brush;
  • - remove excess oil from the hair;
  • - apply the composition from the middle of the eyelash;
  • - make it a habit to do this procedure at night always.

The best oils

In the fight for fluffy eyelashes, you first of all need oils, since they contain antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids and micro-macroelements. They seem to fill the hair from the inside, and the eyelashes become visually thicker. In addition, the oil penetrates the hair follicle, nourishes the skin of the eye, and has a positive effect on blood circulation. Therefore, after using the oil, the eyelashes become fluffy. You will get the most out of these oils:

  • - castor;
  • - burdock;
  • - almond;
  • - olive;
  • - argan.

All these products you can easily purchase at the pharmacy and use for the care of eyelashes. Your eyelashes will become long and firm in a completely harmless way.

Home toning (coloring) of eyelashes

As a homemade eyelash dye, we recommend using natural henna (or Brow Henna) - this ideal dye will not harm your eyelashes, but only strengthen them, make them more fluffy and darker. By the time the procedure takes 20 minutes, the color will last on the hairs for more than a month, and the cost is low. Be sure to try to save time in the morning, always be beautiful!

See: henna how to use it for eyebrows and eyelashes.


the beauty
