Henna for eyebrows: how to use at home?

Long-lasting result of eyebrow coloring without cost and harm to health!

Henna (biotattoo), like eyebrow dyeing in general, is becoming more and more popular among women, especially young girls. This type of makeup is now at the height of fashion due to its long-term effect, painlessness and safety for skin and hair. And most importantly, because of the possibility of creating a house, without equipment and any special skills (which, if desired, can be obtained at the courses of eyebrows).

How to work with henna at home - permanent eyebrow tinting

How to make a popular biotattoo procedure at home

The fashion for henna came from India and Africa, where it was made from the lawsonia bush. Now henna is popular in almost all countries.

In order to start working on your eyebrows, you should prepare:

  • black hair dye (basma),
  • gloves,
  • towel.
  • You will also need lemon juice, a brush, tea (or coffee) and, in fact, the henna itself.

First, it is important to put on old, home clothes, which you will definitely not feel sorry for if you get dye. Gloves are required. Conduct eyebrow shapingto remove excess hairs if not already done. Further, according to the instructions, you will need to mix henna and water with lemon juice, adding basma, coffee, tea, if desired, to get a darker shade.

Then apply the contours of the eyebrows using a contour pencil (preferably white) and start coloring.

Apply the contour

Henna for eyebrows - tattoo at home

For some time after coloring, you need to cover your eyebrows with polyethylene (you need warmth). The time depends on the desired shade.

You should choose a shade of henna that, when distributed over the eyebrows, could become slightly lighter than the hair. No need to make dark eyebrows with light hair or vice versa. With this design, unnaturalness and too obvious a difference from everyday color will catch the eye.

Why choose henna?

Henna is a completely natural blend. It will not cause any harm or irritation to the skin. Moreover, henna strengthens the hairs, making them darker and thicker. The shade lasts for a long time (more than a month). And with all this, the cost is low (unlike the same tattoo).

With all the advantages of henna, do not forget about eyebrow care after coloring:

  • 1. Use oils (olive, castor, almond), eyebrow brush;
  • 2. The longer the period of stay in water, the less the paste holds;
  • 3. The same applies to baths, recreation on beaches and all places with high air temperatures;
  • 4. As long as the henna holds, small hairs will grow again, which were previously removed during the correction. They will need to be removed again;
  • 5. If the task is to grow eyebrows, then you will need to go to the procedures several times.

Disadvantages of biotattoo:

  • 1. Rapid (but gradual, which is a "plus") disappearance of the artificially created color with an active lifestyle;
  • 2. Uneven distribution of henna and its "graininess" with little experience with such mixtures;
  • 3. It is impossible (!) To apply henna if there are wounds or scars on the skin.

At the moment, henna can be found in many beauty stores (it is supplied from Iran, Pakistan, India and some other countries). You can also purchase completely ready-to-use henna Brow Henna... It does not need to be mixed with other liquids, economical, it stays on the skin for up to 14 days (which is a huge plus), on the hairs for up to 1.5 months, it is possible to choose the desired color.

Henna is really a salvation for girls with too light, darker (although such a case is rare) or thin eyebrows. Henna, unlike paint, lasts longer. It is painless, affecting only the outer part of the skin.

But nevertheless, before deciding on a home biotattoo, you should think about whether it is a preferable professional in his field. Now the profession of an eyebrow artist is very popular, therefore it will not be difficult to find a good master with reviews and low prices. After all, the look from the side is sometimes so important, and the master knows the nuances better, he will be able to paint his eyebrows evenly, accurately and successfully.


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