5 tricks to help you correct your eyebrows at home: detailed instructions

How to correct eyebrows at home? All makeup often depends on the type and shape of the eyebrows. If your eyebrows are still far from ideal, follow our guide.

The eyebrows move sternly - showing discontent, then rise up - showing surprise. With their help, you can understand what kind of emotion the face is showing. But the whole make-up often depends on the type and shape of the eyebrows. Follow the instructions to properly adjust your eyebrows at home.

1. Consider fashion trends

Often, when looking at a face, people immediately pay attention to the eyebrows. Their shape, color, density - can be very different, but eyebrows should always be well-groomed, beautiful. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor their condition and take into account fashion trends, and they say - eyebrows should look natural.

The nuances of eyebrow shape correction

Making beautiful and fashionable eyebrows is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to always know when to stop. Most often, you just need to pluck somewhere, and somewhere to draw. Start from the individual characteristics of the eyebrows.

  • For owners of thick and wide eyebrows, this is not at all difficult. Most often, girls with dark hair and brown eyes are famous for such eyebrows.
  • If the eyebrows are sparse and light, then they require more careful attention - drawing and filling in the form, coloring the hairs.

Eyebrow color and shape correction - before and after

2. Powder your brows before shaping.

If there is no time to visit the salon, then you can create a beautiful shape yourself at home. Experienced experts advise adjusting the eyebrows for hair growth (not so painful). The eyebrow hairs are covered with sebaceous secretions, which is why the tweezers often come off. In order to reduce slipping, you can simply lightly powder your eyebrows before starting the procedure.

3. Outline the shape in advance

  • In order to understand how long the eyebrow fits the face, you need to use one popular method. It is necessary to take a pencil and attach it to the wing of the nose so that it passes through the outside of the eye. It is so easy to see the border of the end of the eyebrow.
  • In order to understand where the beginning of the eyebrow is, it is necessary to attach a pencil to the wing of the nose and determine the point of intersection with the eyebrow.
  • In order to mark the maximum bend, again connect the corresponding wing of the nose and the iris of the eye, while looking directly into the mirror.

Plucking rules

4. Consider the shape of the face

  • For those who have drooping upper eyelids or a "round" oval face, you need to slightly raise their eyebrows.
  • Will the face oval be stretched out? Then lightly remove the hairs along the top line.
  • Triangular or square face? Aim for a soft curl without a high angle of elevation.
  • Also, do not forget about the hairs on the bridge of the nose. All of them need to be removed.

5. Nuances of correction

  • First, paint over the eyebrows with specials. paint and only then give shape.
  • When choosing an eyebrow color, start from the shade of the hair roots. For blondes, dye your eyebrows a tone darker than the hair roots. Brown-haired women - tone on tone or slightly lighter, brunettes in black.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water and treat with a liquid hand sanitizer to keep germs from entering the follicle.
  • It is best to numb the skin before the removal procedure. It could be an ice cube.
  • Before pulling out the hair, you need to lightly press the skin for a few seconds.
  • Failed to get rid of the discomfort after hair removal, apply a cooling compress - a piece of cotton wool soaked in cool water.
  • After the procedure, you need to treat the eyebrow with alcohol and put a small layer of antiseptic cream (Boro Plus). This way you can avoid redness on the skin.

If after the correction you do not like the shape, then it is better to wait at least a month for the hairs to recover again, branches, then you can try again to create a shape for them. We recommend doing a light massage and using Alerana eyebrow growth stimulant or castor oil.

For those who are not sure that they will be able to shape their eyebrows on their own, contact the professionals, they will help to make a correction taking into account all the features. See on the topic: eyebrow shaping mistakes that make you look older.


the beauty
