The secret to beautifully curved eyelashes: everything you need to know about eyelash biowave

The best way to curl your eyelashes!

The first thing people pay attention to when they meet is their eyes! And one of the secrets of the most luxurious look is long, beautifully curved eyelashes.

Table of contents:

  1. On the benefits.
  2. Indications for biowaving eyelashes.
  3. How long the effect lasts, who should refrain from the procedure.
  4. How is the procedure carried out?

Biowaving eyelashes - what are the advantages?

contraindications, advantages, stages of

Biowave eyelashes are constantly gaining more and more new fans. It is enough to spend only 40-60 minutes in a comfortable cosmetology chair, in order to admire the persistent bending of eyelashes for two months later. The biowave procedure is painless and safe for health.

Today there are a significant number of cosmetic procedures - they allow you to transform your look:

  • - eye tattoo (inter-eyelash filling with color),
  • - persistent mascara - a faithful companion of many women,
  • - permanent curling and mascara of the same name;
  • - eyelash extension and lamination.

The development of the above methods is due to the fact that not every woman can say: "I have thick, long cilia, they are beautifully curved, fluffy and directed upward." Even if this is the case, biowaving the eyelashes will help to devote less time to makeup, and the owners of black eyelashes will completely abandon carcasses.

But, more often we hear: "I got short or rare cilia and they grow down." In this case, the correction depends on the problem, experts will advise how to solve it. For example, rare eyelashes are perfectly masked with extensions.

So, the clear advantages of eyelash biowave:

  • - beautifully curved eyelashes (curl);
  • - instant effect: eyelashes look longer, but at the same time they do not become thicker and thicker;
  • - open gaze;
  • - the quality of eyelashes does not suffer;
  • - sparing composition (no hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and harmful substances);
  • - painless procedure;
  • - possible regular repetitions of the procedure once every two to three months;
  • - low price.

Indications for biowaving cilia

  • 1. For girls who are faced with the problem of downward growth of cilia, as well as owners of straight cilia or growing in different directions - this procedure will help to straighten, raise, bend the cilia. Due to the curling, their length visually increases, there is no need to constantly twist them with the help of tongs and, of course, the look is transformed.

improperly growing eyelashes

  • 2. For women who have slightly lowered corners of the eyes, the so-called "sad look" - biowave is also shown, it will allow you to look good.

How long does the effect last?

Beautifully curved eyelashes will delight you from one to 2 months. You can, if you wish, use your favorite mascara or paint them with permanent paint, permanent mascara, swim in the pool, sunbathe, wear lenses, and bury them in your eyes. Eyelashes will not let you down! For several months they will continue to be correctly bent, as after the procedure. The only thing, about two days before the eyelash curling, is to give up decorative mascara.

Who should refrain from the procedure?

- Women during pregnancy, breastfeeding.
- Women in menopause.
- Those who have tearing eyes, allergy to the composition.

What is the difference from eyelash perm? Permed eyelashes last for a short time, requires constant correction and often causes allergies.

How is the procedure carried out?

how is the procedure

  • 1. The procedure lasts an hour. It all depends on the thickness, length and density of the eyelashes. The eyes are closed during the procedure.Collagen pads are applied to the lower eyelid to further moisturize the skin and protect the lower cilia.
  • 2. With the help of a special solution, the cilia are first degreased. Then they are neatly and evenly, relative to each other, placed on (pre-attached to the upper eyelid) sticky eyelash curlers. The shorter the eyelashes and the steeper the bend is required, the smaller the roller diameter is chosen.
  • 3. Withstand a certain time, wait until the cilia curl, then fix the obtained result using a fixer (10 minutes). The procedure ends with the application of nourishing oil, as a care for the eyelashes. The final effect can be assessed only after a day.

Important: on the first day, do not rub your eyes, do not use mascara, do not sleep face down, do not go to the sauna, bath, so as not to deform the created curl. The main thing is to find a good specialist with recommendations, the presence of photographs "before and after" the procedure, reviews, do not save! Demand certificates confirming the quality of the formulations used, guarantees that will save you from many negative points. We recommend: beauty taboo, what not to do when looking after.


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