The final touch: how to properly dye your eyelashes with mascara?

How to create a mysterious and deep look with mascara!

Every girl dreams of having eyelashes whose flap resembles the flapping of the wings of a bird or a butterfly. Fortunately, in our time, the beauty industry allows even the most daring dreams and desires to come true, releasing mascaras not only with different properties to increase the thickness and length of eyelashes, but also in different colors, allowing you to choose the necessary option for any image.

how to dye eyelashes correctly

Mascara allows you to make your eyes more expressive, and the whole image brighter and more attractive. Incorrectly applied mascara can peel off or stick together your lashes and irritate your eyes. How should you apply mascara to your eyelashes?

Mascara should be applied at the very end, when shadows have already been applied, eyes are lined with eyeliner and / or pencil, brows underlined.

Finishing the look, think about what effect you want to achieve from the mascara. Most girls, in addition to emphasizing the color, expect lengthening and increasing the density of the eyelashes from mascara.

Modern mascara already has components that qualitatively affect the length and density of eyelashes, and a variety of brushes in different types of mascara allows you to achieve the maximum desired effect, from a thorough separation of eyelashes during coloring and ending with the effect of false eyelashes.

Naturally, already at the stage of choosing a mascara, you should pay attention to what effect the manufacturer promises.

Cilia lengthening effect

lengthening of cilia

When the main goal is to lengthen the lashes, it is necessary to slowly brush over the lashes from base to ends, pausing slightly at the ends. This will allow the mascara to lie more tightly at the ends, which will visually increase the length of the lashes.

After applying the first layer, you need to wait a little and apply the second layer, also holding the brush a little at the tips.

Increasing the density of eyelashes

If the main goal is to increase the density of the eyelashes, mascara should be applied differently - while brushing from the base of the eyelashes to the tips, it is necessary to make zigzag movements from side to side. Such manipulations will allow the mascara to lie more tightly on the eyelashes, which will visually add density to them.

increase in the density of eyelashes

Application of curling mascara

In order to slightly change the bend of the eyelashes, in addition to the correctly selected mascara and the use of special tweezers for curling the eyelashes, you can slightly cover your eyes when applying mascara, and press the eyelashes as high as possible with a brush, holding it at the ends for a few seconds so that the mascara dries a little, keeping desired direction of eyelashes.

how to change the curve of eyelashes

The technique of applying mascara to the eyelashes

  • 1. While applying mascara, make sure that it does not stick together lashes.

To do this, type a medium amount of mascara on the brush, you do not need to try to achieve maximum efficiency with one layer, because several thin layers create a more accurate and expressive result than applying one layer with a large amount of mascara.

  • 2. If the eyelashes are nevertheless stuck together, but the mascara has not yet dried, you can have time to separate them with a brush.

Some girls separate glued eyelashes with a needle, which is highly discouraged due to possible accidental eye damage. It is best to lightly dampen a clean brush with water, eye drops, or lens fluid and gently straighten your eyelashes.

  • 3. Alternatively, use micellar water or a no-rinse makeup remover.

In some cases, it will be easier to remove all the mascara from the eyelashes and paint it up again, no matter how sorry it is for the previously painted eyes with shadows and eyeliner.

  • 4. Some makeup artists do not recommend using mascara on the lower eyelashes, as this can visually lower the corners of the eyelids, for example, these are features age makeup and make you look more tired. In fact, it all depends on the initial data and on the makeup in general.
  • 5. In the absence of visual problems with the corners of the eyelids, applying mascara to the lower eyelashes will practically not affect the change in the image in the negative direction.
  • 6. If the lower eyelashes are long and you are afraid of "weighting" the look due to the use of mascara, you can, firstly, not paint over them completely, brushing only along the base and central part of the eyelashes, without touching the tips, and secondly, focus on the upper eyelids, applying brighter and darker shadows, as well as painting over the upper eyelashes more carefully.
  • 7. If, at the same time, twist the upper eyelashes a little, not only will the problem with the visual drooping of the corners of the eyes disappear, but the gaze will also become more expressive and open.


the beauty
