How to beautifully shape your eyebrows at home

The main rules for perfect eyebrow makeup.

Every girl dreams of a mesmerizing look from under long eyelashes. An expressive look always draws attention to the eyes and the beautifully made eyebrow shape. Perfect brows and expressive eyes are the foundation of any fashionable make-up.

Beautiful eyebrow shape

The main rule for beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows is individual shape correction that suits you depending on the phenotype, face shape and hair color.

A phenotype is a collection of certain traits that are unique to you.

  • 1. The shape of the nose.
  • 2. Color, shape and fit of the eyes.
  • 3. Color of skin, hair, face oval.
  • 4. Nationality, character and other individual characteristics.

Do you feel how much you need to consider in order to choose the correct shape for your eyebrows? But we hasten to reassure you - the parameters are needed only in order to better navigate during the correction, and we will strive for naturalness and naturalness.

How to beautifully shape the eyebrows

Making a beautiful eyebrow shape at home

  • 1. Knowledge of the anatomy of the eyebrows and the procedure for removing excess hairs using tweezers or a silk thread (if you know this technique) will help to correctly shape the eyebrows.
  • 2. You can adjust the shape of the eyebrow using a contour or filling pencil. As well as dark, hard shadows in the color of the eyebrows.

We take into account the anatomy of the eyebrows

How to determine the beginning of an eyebrow? To do this, draw a straight vertical line from the widest part of the nose to the bridge of the nose. See the photo below.

Eyebrow tip: A visual line extending from the tip of the nose to the corner of the eye.


The brow point is determined using a visual line that goes through the tip of the nose and the middle of the pupil.
anatomy-eyebrow --- perfect-eyebrow
It is customary to define two points: the upper bending point and the lower lifting point. As a rule, they are located on the same vertical line or the lower point is slightly shifted to the temple. See the photo on the right.

So, the ideal eyebrow is located on the horizontal line connecting the beginning and the tip of the eyebrow. In this case, the eyebrows should not be too thin (thread) or thick. Photo on the right, above.

Correction of the curvature of the eyebrows depending on the shape of the face

  • For those women whom nature has endowed with an oval face shape, almost any shape and even a sharp provocative bend are suitable.
  • With a round face shape, you should pay attention to the bending of the eyebrows, make it maximal, thereby pulling the shape of the face (photo of the girl on the right).
  • If you are the owner of a square face with pronounced cheekbones, then when correcting your eyebrows, strive for a soft bend without a high angle of elevation of the eyebrow (photo on the left).
  • If the face is elongated or with a pointed chin, during the correction we make the shape of the eyebrows even and smooth (photo by Jessica Parker).


Eyebrow shaping, let's learn to draw

Thick eyebrows

To correctly correct the shape of the eyebrows, prepare a sharpened cosmetic pencil, preferably firm, you can draw small strokes with it, make a more clear graphic shape.

  • First, brush your eyebrows upward with a special brush and draw vertical lines at the beginning of the eyebrow.
  • Now comb the hairs down. And with a pencil, strokes parallel to the growth of the hair, paint on the shape of the eyebrow as if filling in the previously prepared finished shape of the eyebrow with color.
  • Remember. The beginning of the eyebrow is lighter, the middle is darker, the tip of the eyebrow is lighter, so the look will not seem heavy.
  • The final touch is a light shading of the pencil stripes using a cotton pad (stick), in a circular motion. We finish modeling by combing the eyebrows with a brush along the hair growth.


For thick eyebrows

Prepare a hard, dark shadow to add color to the brows and a short, beveled bristle brush for blending. The strokes when applying a suitable filling color are short, in the direction of hair growth.

The rich color should be in the middle part, and the tip of the eyebrow should be lighter and thinner. Strive for a well-groomed naturalness as much as possible.

Now you need to fix the shape with wax or gel. It should be applied with upward movements, and then in the direction of growth. On the area under the eyebrow, apply concealer a tone lighter than your skin tone.

The final touch of eyebrow shaping

As for the choice of color, we recommend focusing on hair color

For blondes, it is correct to choose a gray-brown, ash-gray or dark gray tone. For brunettes and brown-haired women - dark chocolate or black, but not darker than your hair color. Sometimes it is difficult to correctly and beautifully make eyebrow correction in order to put them in order. The first time we recommend doing this in a beauty salon.


the beauty
