How to look younger: features of age-related makeup

The Best Alternative to Botox!

Many older ladies are sure that makeup is of no use to them, or rather, it will not help them look younger. This, of course, is not the case. First, stop judging yourself too harshly - appreciate your beauty at any age. Secondly, be yourself, the way you are, beautiful, and correctly placed accents in makeup will help you visually rejuvenate.


The main task of age-related makeup is to highlight the most attractive facial features and hide imperfections. And everyday gentle skin care: creams, natural oils, anti-aging masks, healthy eating, drinking regimen, sunscreens are absolutely necessary to keep the skin from age-related changes.

As a reminder, before taking the first step, make sure your skin is thoroughly cleansed and hydrated.

Features of age-related makeup - correcting shortcomings


Issue: Skin's natural glow diminishes with age

How to fix? The base is the foundation, the basis for age-related makeup. She prepares the skin for applying foundation, so you shouldn't neglect her. This is the correction of wrinkles, pores, dull complexion. As a rule, the base contains lifting components, vitamins, moisturizers, reflective particles, which gives a natural glow to the skin, the contours of the face become clearer. Apply in a thin layer.

The tonal basis is matched to the skin color or a tone darker. It is better to apply with your fingers, preferably along the age lines, carefully shading the color along the contour. Natural color - beige, peach, golden.

The only thing is, try to apply the foundation as thin as possible. Or use only on the T-shaped area. It is better to choose a liquid foundation.

Mineral loose powder is the lightest - this is the finishing touch. With a dark shade, you can walk along the contour of the face or darken the second chin.

Problem: dark circles under the eyes appear with age


How to fix? For the bruises, I must say thanks not to lack of sleep, but to the pigment melanin and the thin skin under the eyes, the fatty layer through which the vessels shine through. High-quality will help to disguise bruises. concealer.

Pre-paint the eyelashes with a special eyelash paint in a hairdresser or at home. This will give the look expressiveness, get rid of dark circles under the eyes, and replace the eyeliner (arrows). With an overhanging eyelid, it is advisable to work out the space between the cilia with a soft black or dark brown pencil.

It is recommended to apply lengthening mascara only on the upper eyelashes, in one layer. The inner corners of the eyes can be lightened a little with shadows, highlighter or draw the inner edge of the eyelid with a white pencil (if the whites of the eyes are white, without a yellow tint).

Features of applying shadows


Do not apply light shadow to the outer corner of the eye. This is a common mistake in age makeup. Better to blend a delicate light matte shadow all over the movable eyelid and from the middle of the eyebrow to the temple. White color best reflects a sunny color, raises an eyebrow, makes wrinkles on the mobile eyelid less noticeable (for mature skin, this is especially important).

Eyebrow shaping


So smoothly, step by step, we came to the design of the eyebrows. What I want to say, women, dear ones, try to use the color of the pencil or eyebrow shadows to match the color of the hair roots or a tone lighter. Do not make them black, bright - it visually gives the age.And, of course, keep an eye on the shape of your eyebrows by visiting a beautician regularly or on your own. Read How shape your eyebrows correctly.

Thin lips are a sign of aging


How to fix? The peculiarity of age-related makeup is a smooth transition from bright, shiny (metallic) shades of youth to natural and neutral lipstick colors with age. You should not use too dark and bright shades that add years.

Line the lip contour with a pencil half a tone darker than the lip color, so that they appear more voluminous, avoiding the lowered corners. Try to lighten the center of the lips with a highlighter or highlighter eyeshadow. Lip gloss can give the same volumizing effect. Pink or peach is a wonderful choice for you.

Blush is better to use creamy

Mature skin tends to be dry. Therefore, for age-related makeup, it is advisable to apply creamy blush. The blush color should only slightly complement the underlying skin tone. The lines of application tend upward towards the temple. Pink blush on the cheekbones will make your face look younger.

The video below is a great example of age-related makeup techniques. Always be beautiful and well-groomed!

Read - 8 valuable tips from beauty experts to help you look 5 years younger.


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