Luxurious radiance of the skin: using the highlighter correctly

How to do makeup correctly using a highlighter.

Now the trend is clean, moist and radiant skin, so the highlighter is used by all modern girls. It helps create a luxurious, radiant look when applied correctly. Let's select six main areas for applying the highlighter.

How to use a highlighter correctly

The highlighter can be applied to individual areas (about them below) or all over the face, simply mixing with the foundation to give the face the desired glow and even skin tone, for example, if you go to a nightclub.

1. Forehead

A thin layer of highlighter in the center of the forehead helps to achieve a subtle glow effect. This technique is ideal for girls with a narrow forehead. But there is one important nuance: the product must be slightly and gently shaded. But to avoid a semblance of oily sheen on the face, choose a foundation one tone lighter than a highlighter.

Apply to the forehead

2. Brows

Almost every girl already knows and applies a highlighter along the lower eyebrow line. This simple technique allows you to slightly raise an eyebrow, give a fresh look and mask the tired look.

Under the eyebrow

3. Eyes

Applying a highlighter to the inner corner of the eye allows you to slightly correct close-set eyes, refresh your eyes if you are tired or have not had enough sleep.

Inner corner of the eye

4. Cheekbones

After highlighting the cheekbones with blush, go over them with a highlighter to brighten the skin, give the face a fresh glow, youth... If you focus on the highest points of the cheekbones, then you will successfully hide the expression lines around the eyes.

Highlighter on the cheekbones

5. Nose

If there is a need to divert attention a little from any imperfections of the face, then feel free to apply a highlighter with reflective particles on the back of the nose. This will draw attention to the center of your face and narrow your nose.

Highlighter on the back of the nose

6. Lips

Gently apply a drop of highlighter to your upper lip for plump and attractive lips.

Highlighter makeup

So, with the help of a highlighter, in addition to the effect of shine, shimmer, you can achieve a sophisticated make-up - hide flaws and emphasize advantages. The main thing is not to overdo it, apply the product sparingly and shade well. Read on the topic: what is dripping and why does everyone like it so much?


the beauty
