Ways to use hyaluronic acid at home

About home care - how to use hyaluronic acid correctly.

Hyaluronic acid is a wonderful ingredient that can become the secret of your youth and beauty. How to use it at home?

Using hyaluronic acid at home

About the meaning of hyaluronic acid

There are, of course, many advantages. Let's start with the fact that hyaluronic acid is a real cellular "builder" in our skin, and also acts as one of the main elements of biological fluids. Hyaluronic acid is the main component responsible for the formation of synovial fluid - the natural lubricant for our joints. The structure of hyaluronic acid is complex, but scientifically proven to be effective.

In the absence of hyaluronic acid, the skin becomes dry, less elastic, and its attractive appearance is lost. "Hyaluron" is not only the beauty and youth of our skin, but also its health, so to speak "well-being".

Using hyaluronic acid at home

The benefits of the substance are evidenced by its great popularity among factories producing modern cosmetics and "beauty factories". And no wonder: this acid moisturizes the skin, smoothes out the wrinkles that have appeared, and fights flaking, if any. In addition, it is used for facial contouring.

There are several ways to introduce it into the skin:

1. Injection method

It is used to combat deep wrinkles in a salon. The introduction is carried out using a special syringe. For example, nasolabial folds are well filled with hyaluronic acid filler. Preference is given to cannula technique (with a thick needle).

Biorevitalization and mesotherapy, which are one and the same, the only difference is in the drugs used and in the technique of their administration. This is an injection procedure by which special very thin needles preparations containing a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins, coenzymes, peptides and other components are introduced into the dermis.

Ways to use hyaluronic acid at home

Another increase in lip volume is carried out with a gel based on hyaluronic acid, since it is completely safe for the body.

Ways to use hyaluronic acid at home

2. External introduction

The composition with hyaluronic acid enters the skin through various cosmetic and home procedures. Hyaluronic acid is present not only in creams, tonics, but also in decorative cosmetics.

How to use hyaluronic acid correctly at home

Any cosmetic procedures associated with the introduction of hyaluronic acid must be performed according to certain rules.

  • 1. Exclusively on previously cleansed skin.
  • 2. The course of any procedures should not exceed 9-10 procedures performed daily by the course.
  • 3. If the course is carried out in two weeks, it is imperative to use a protective and moisturizing cream after the procedure, which will "consolidate the result."
  • 4. It is also recommended to apply the grooming masks once or twice a week.
  • 5. The agent used ("hyaluron") must not be used before going outside and especially it is forbidden to do so in windy and cool weather.

Using hyaluronic acid at home

The active ingredient "hyaluronate" is produced in the modern world in only two well-known forms: in powder and gel form (ampoules) (sold in professional cosmetics stores). To prepare a solution, take a powder (2 grams) and mix it with special purified water - distilled water (100 ml). When the solution is ready, it must be stored at a low temperature.

The resulting solution should be applied according to a certain scheme:

Hyaluronic acid home use

  1. cleanse the skin - it is important to prepare the skin with a scrub, gommage or cream with a peeling effect;
  2. carry out a moisturizing procedure, which will include hyaluronic acid;
  3. apply cream.

Well-known cosmetologists recommend that women, in order to achieve an effective result, not mix all the powder in a bottle of cream at once, but add a one-time mixture of acid to a single dose of a caring cream.

Using hyaluronic acid with various components

Using hyaluronic acid with various components

Enrichment with hyaluronic acid cosmetic mask

The substance can also be used as a cosmetic mask. Everything is done quite simply. Add 1 gram of powder with hyaluronic acid to your usual favorite mask (for the face or around the eyes). The procedure itself lasts no more than half an hour, and then the remnants of the mask are thoroughly washed off with warm water. It is worth recalling that after the mask, the skin needs additional hydration. Simply apply a moisturizer to cleansed skin after washing.

Hyaluronic acid and glycerin

Hyaluronic acid combined with glycerin works wonders. The protective properties of the skin increase, it becomes softer, and literally begins to shine from within.

And the recipe is very simple:

  • 2 g hyaluronic acid powder,
  • 30 ml glycerin,
  • vitamin A, E.

All this is mixed together until a homogeneous composition, and then applied to the face with a cosmetic brush, sponge or fingertips. On the face, such a mask should be left for about half an hour. Then the mask is washed off, and the skin is additionally moisturized, as described above.

Kefir mask

Every day at night, you can apply a mask of hyaluronic acid with kefir (one ampoule per 100 grams of product). A quarter of an hour after application, the composition must be carefully washed off with warm water. By the same principle, you can make a mask with other simple ingredients, for example, with yogurt. Don't forget to take care of your neck and décolleté.

Hyaluronic acid alone

This mask is the simplest. No additional components or extra minutes of waiting. Apply the prepared solution from the ampoule to the face. Wait until it is completely dry. It is a good prevention of skin dehydration. The course is 9-10 procedures, 2 times a week. Apply from 35 years old.

What result are we expecting after application:

  • deep skin hydration,
  • increased skin turgor,
  • reduction of the depth of wrinkles and reduction of the wrinkle mesh,
  • good prevention and treatment of skin aging,
  • improvement of skin relief.


Unfortunately, the remedy also has contraindications. These are people with a burdened allergic history, with various inflammatory foci on the skin, as well as ARVI. As you can see, there are a lot of options for using hyaluronic acid at home.


the beauty
