Rejuvenating facial treatments: an overview of the best

7 best beauty treatments.

We will tell you about anti-aging procedures that are performed on an outpatient basis, which will help improve the condition of the skin, you will look younger. With aging of the skin of the face, atrophic processes occur in the facial muscles, in the walls of blood vessels and in the epidermis. This is to blame genetics, external factors, lack of care, ineffective cosmetics. What can help?

Best Facial Treatments

Today, aesthetic medicine has achieved such success that it is able to cope with premature and natural aging, edema and age spots. Therefore, the desire to look younger with the help of cosmetic procedures is quite real.

1. Massage of the face, neck and décolleté

The most relevant procedure, it has a prolonging (long-lasting) effect. Massage can be classical, lymphatic drainage, hardware, chiroplastic. Selects a beautician who will work with your problem. This procedure should become a ritual of your life, because massage and a competent beautician can remove almost any imperfection from your face. For example, smooth out fine wrinkles on the face and neck. The massage is carried out in a course (minimum 5 procedures, maximum 15) to see the effect of rejuvenation.

How to look younger - an overview of cosmetic procedures

The treatment should include: cleansing, peeling, 40-60 minute massage, mask for skin type, serum and cream.

2. Facial peeling

A highly effective cosmetic procedure that accelerates the natural process of cell renewal, fights age spots, acne, evens out texture and tone. Please note that all peels are carried out in a course (5-6 sessions).

Anti-aging facial treatments

Superficial peeling: almond, glycolic, Jessner

This is the most gentle option. Such peels give slight reddening of the skin after the procedure. It lasts 24 hours. On the 3rd day after the peel, you notice fine (scaly) peeling, which lasts for four days.

Median peels: TCA, "yellow", other Jessner variations

Penetrate the skin much deeper, according to their action, they are compared with laser resurfacing, carried out exclusively by a cosmetologist. They help fight post-acne, acne, skin aging (after 40), age spots. Persistent redness of the skin after the procedure lasts 2-3 days. Then lamellar peeling occurs - it lasts a week.

Important nuances

  • Peeling is contraindicated if less than 2 months have passed after laser resurfacing or other traumatic procedures.
  • During treatment (in autumn and winter), it is important to protect your face from the sun.
  • It is strictly forbidden to do mid-peelings. summer, since this procedure is aimed at lightening the skin to treat hyperpigmentation.
  • As for superficial peels, they can be carried out in the summer, but the last session should be done 1 month before the trip to the sea.

3. Botox

Botulinum therapy is a very effective procedure with an immediate effect. The most popular preparations of type A botulinum toxins are botox, dysport, lantox, xeomin, relatox. Injections botulinum toxin is indicated from the age of 20 in prophylactic doses if you have overactive muscles. The procedure is carried out in the beautician's office and helps to get rid of any facial wrinkles on the face for up to 6 months. The result is that you will look much younger than your peers.

Botox - a procedure for rejuvenating the skin of the face

the effect

Botuloxin is able to reduce the depth of wrinkles and even remove them completely without resorting to fillers.

Are there any contraindications?

As a rule, all contraindications are discussed individually in consultation with a doctor. But, the generally accepted ones include: pregnancy and lactation, neurological diseases, bronchial asthma, allergies, ARVI, individual intolerance. In addition, cosmetologists recommend taking a break between procedures, preferably 9-12 months... This helps to avoid muscle wasting and toxin resistance.

Nuance! The effect of Botox has been studied enough; it was first used for medical purposes in 1982.

4. Biorevitalization of the face, neck, eyelids, hands

It is this popular injection the procedure is aimed at rejuvenating and moisturizing the skin of the face, neck, eyelids, décolleté, back of the hands. It is important to know that saturated preparations for biorevitalization should always be in finished syringe from the manufacturer. Once opened, the syringe cannot be stored. Most often, the procedure is carried out with an anesthetic ointment, which is applied under a cling film. In time, biorevitalization takes a little more than 1 hour.

Anti-aging biorevitalization procedure

What course?

The course of biorevitalization is 4-6 procedures, once every 2 weeks. Held once a year. It depends on the composition of the preparation, your age and skin condition. Biorevitalization can be done from the age of 25 with preparations based on hyaluronic acid. At the age of 30 - preparations with vitamins, microelements, hyaluronic acid and peptides. The effect of the procedure occurs not only due to the injected drugs, but needle injury.


After the procedure, severe redness on the face (papules) appears, there are traces of injections and swelling. But after 2-3 days, these symptoms disappear, the papules dissolve.

5. Mesotherapy of the face

Another injection cosmetic procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia. The essence is about the same as with biorevitalization. It is aimed at the introduction of special preparations into the dermis. After the procedure, the skin is maximally moisturized, its tone and turgor increase. Meso cocktails contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins, microelements. Mesotherapy is not only a good prevention, but also a treatment for aging and dehydration of the skin. Shown from the age of 25, after vacation, for sunbathers, with signs of aging on the face.

Mesotherapy - facial rejuvenation procedure

Nuance! Mesotherapy also works with stagnant spots, perfectly corrects local fat deposits in the face and neck area.

6. Facial contouring with fillers

This is a popular, virtually painless injection procedure. The technique is well recommended in the correction of nasolabial folds, cheekbones, jaw angles, facial contours, forehead, neck and lips wrinkles. To achieve the desired effect, you will need at least a single injection of the drug (filler, gel) directly into the wrinkle. It happens that additional correction is required, which is carried out after 2 weeks.

Facial contouring

How long does the effect last?

On average, 9-12 months. However, do not forget that the face is mimic enough, so the drug may dissolve earlier. Also, the sun's rays affect the duration of the effect of the filler injection. Therefore, it is worth protecting your face with professional sunscreen, wearing sunglasses.

7. Plasmolifting

The name of the procedure speaks for itself. Refers to therapeutic and rejuvenating injection procedures that will return youth and beauty. The essence of the technique is to inject enriched plasma of your own blood into the dermis. As a result, after the procedure, skin regeneration processes are launched. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and is painless. Target - prevention of natural aging processes, elimination of acne and acne. The result is noticeable after one procedure. But, it is advisable to conduct a course - 2-4 sessions with a break of 2-3 weeks. The effect lasts up to 18 months.

How to look younger - plasmolifting procedure

About consent to the procedure

  1. Your consent is always required for injection treatments. This applies to such procedures as: chemical peeling (including median), mesotherapy, biorevitalization, contour plastic. You should list not only possible side effects, but also give information about the drug administered and its amount. In case of complications, you should have this information.
  2. After the procedure, try to take the beautician's contact information so that you can contact a specialist at any time.


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