Style Perfection: Essential Personal Style Tricks

About fashion and style.

Life is theater and people are actors. So said the classic. When clothes fit a "role" in life, then they say the clothes fit style. How many roles are played in life, so many images. Which of the images is the most suitable for a person? One in which a person feels natural, without much effort.

Perfection of a harmonious style in clothes, the role of an outfit

How to create a trendy style

When a person in a military uniform or in the uniform of a policeman is met on the street, ordinary people assume the presence of “heroic” qualities corresponding to a given “role” - decisiveness, courage, responsibility.

Naturally, the image of a man in uniform attracts many women who are looking for a life partner. The presence of such qualities determines the image of a "real man". Clothing creates such an image, but in reality, the image does not necessarily correspond to reality.

Style Perfection: Essential Personal Style Tricks

A soldier can be a vulnerable and gentle person, tired of "heroic" deeds. Coming home, such a person can be himself, and going to the service must correspond to the assigned tasks.

Interestingly, in ancient Japan, married women were required to shave their eyebrows. Geishas were supposed to have drawn eyebrows. This circumstance showed the woman's belonging to a particular class. This is how an element of women's clothing appeared - a scarf pulled over the forehead, in the form of a hood, covering the eyebrows.

Style Perfection: Important Techniques for Personal Photo Style

Doctors did not always have white gowns. When the concept of hygiene was discovered, cleanliness became of paramount importance. And the white coat was a clear indicator of cleanliness. White is so entrenched in the minds of people with doctors and hospitals that in order to break this stereotype, they began to use both light green and blue shades for the uniform of medical workers.

Creating a fashionable style

By costume, you can determine belonging to a social and social group, rich or poor, chimney sweep or thrush, man or woman.

For example, an outfit can emphasize the femininity of an image with tight-fitting elements of clothing, transparent fabrics, neckline, and accessories. Such an outfit is suitable for the "role" of a wife, a beloved woman.

We create an individual style

At work, a woman has a different role - a competent specialist, a professional in her field. Therefore, an accountant, another office worker, to come to work in a transparent blouse, short skirt will be a violation of style. And a bag, accessories of a bright color are unlikely to fit. In this role of the costume, the femininity or originality of the owner is not important, but accuracy, efficiency, attentiveness. The details of the image should be supported by strict and clear classical forms.

Style creation

In the evening, the same girl, the same office worker, will go to the party, to the club with her friends, and she will have to change into tight, bold outfits. Because her impeccable conservative outfit will not fit the intended role.

Style and outfit creation

Important Factors in Creating an Individual Fashion Style

The important techniques for creating a style in clothes are, as before:

  • - profession,
  • - age,
  • - demeanor, inner convictions,
  • - temperament (active, restrained),
  • - external factors (environment, climate),
  • - the ability to choose clothes according to the figure,
  • - individual qualities (personality, type),
  • - choice of colors - matching the color type of appearance,
  • - mastery of the art of combining accessories, the ability to play on contrasts,
  • - originality,
  • - modernity, relevance of things. Yes, you need to follow fashion trends - fashion and style are interrelated concepts, they should not exist separately in your wardrobe. Style changes, transforms in parallel with fashion.

Considering all this, a complete, harmonious, stylish set is created.Having correctly resolved all the questions, for which situation (beach, office, club), the event is the dress, for a young creature or a person wise for years, for a politician or housewife, a person is cheerful or grieves - you can be sure of the result.

Style Perfection: Important Techniques for Personal Photo Style

Earlier in the fashion there were morning clothes, day and afternoon dresses, cocktail dresses and evening, night clothes. Now the costume is acquiring more unified features. But even today, choosing the right, attractive clothes (outfit, outfit), “dressing with taste”, stylishly, fashionably - this is an art that arouses admiration of the audience. And as in any art there are amateurs, and there are artists who create masterpieces.


the beauty
