How to look stylish at no extra cost?

Stylish and fashionable.

As a woman look stylish? Often on the streets, you can pay attention to a girl passing by and think about how good she looks. And immediately you begin to think that you are far from her and the things that are expensive on her, and the figure that you need.

How to look stylish at no extra cost?

You come home, open the closet, look at everything that lies there, and then the inclinations of pessimistic thoughts certainly begin. Then you seem to calm down and think, well, now the money will appear, so I'll just go and buy something expensive and beautiful, like Bella Hadid's.

How to look stylish, photo

And here is the long-awaited salary. But the money is a pity and you have to pay there, and there. So we are left without an elegant expensive dress. Familiar situation? Exactly.

If you think about it, you can look good and stylish at no extra cost. And now no one talks about second-hand. The main thing is to choose your basic wardrobe, then fashion items and accessories.

Let's open our closet and take a close look at every little thing that fills it. How many are unnecessary there.

  • "This is in case I lose weight, this is what I was yesterday."
  • “And it’s just too beautiful for me, so I don’t wear it. Well, this actually makes you look fat ”.

And then of course they say that a woman always has a wardrobe full, and they have nothing to wear. If you dig deep into your things, you can easily not only free up a lot of space, but also understand what thing is still worth spending money on. For example, the closet is full of gray, uninteresting clothes, washed shirts, stretched old jackets. Of course, in such things you will not look stylish and elegant.

Immediately you need to understand that a large number of old things in the closet will not make anyone fashionable. Throw out everything you don't need and go shopping. But first, let's find out about the small rules for choosing a wardrobe.

1. The very first thing to consider is the type of figure

You need to understand that a lady with a curvy shape will never be decorated with a tight T-shirt and leggings. Skinny ones will never attract attention, passing by, if they pull on a hoodie three sizes larger. Choose clothes by body type. This is already one plus sign on the way to a good image.

How to look stylish without the cost

2. The second and important rule is color

We all perfectly understand which color suits us and which one does not. If you saw a blouse that you really liked, but it seems like the color is slightly different. Immediately - no. Give it back to the consultants and move on, you can find better in the next store.

Stylish look at no cost

Yes, you may not find it right away, but it is better to give money for something that really makes you attractive, and not for something that you will wear without much pleasure. And don't be afraid to experiment with colors. In order not to lose in this battle with shades, you must first find out your color type, and then learn how to combine.

3. The third rule: accessories play an important role in the images.

Sometimes just a bright scarf or bright shoes can radically change the image. And just a belt or a belt on a dress will change the dress itself and accentuate the waist.

Stylish image

Handbags are generally a separate topic. And even if there are only two of them, they must be expensive. And a scarf will help to combine everything with various images. Therefore, more scarves are possible. Remember that you can look stylish without big expenses, you are already charming, and the right clothes will only slightly emphasize the beauty, well-groomed and your style.


the beauty
