A wardrobe guide will save you from the eternal nothing to wear

Every woman, even a very stylish and confident woman, has a so-called “nothing to wear” creature in her closet. Everyone is familiar with the situation when the closet is bursting with excess clothes, and in the morning, going to college or work, it turns out that there is practically nothing to wear.

This situation also has a positive side. So, for example, it is extremely pleasant in the process of long excavations to discover a long-bought and undeservedly forgotten excellent thing. But even such cases do not turn out to be salvation from the so-called "nothing to wear."

To avoid such a situation and not rack your brains in the morning, thinking of what to wear today, and as a result, show up late for work in yesterday's suit, you need to correctly form your wardrobe. This article provides step-by-step instructions for achieving this goal.

Nothing to wear

How to get rid of the eternal "nothing to wear"?

The plan is this:

  1. We disassemble the wardrobe.
  2. We sort by season.
  3. Coming up with new looks.
  4. We create a guide to the wardrobe on the web.

Step one: disassemble the wardrobe

It is necessary to sort out things that have not been worn for a long time. They can be pretty and stylish, or completely ordinary, expensive and not so much. If they have been gathering dust in the closet for a long time, then they need to be urgently removed from the closet. After all, expensive and high-quality things can be given to someone, and from old and torn ones you can make rags for cleaning the house, in the country or in the garage of your husband. By the way, the cat will also be glad to have a new bedding made from the old clothes of its beloved mistress.

Step two: sort your wardrobe by season

Divide your wardrobe into three conditional seasons: winter, spring-autumn and summer.

Step three: come up with new seasonal looks

At this stage, you need to create fashionable looks or "looks" for each of the seasons. It's easy to write, but how to do it in practice?

If a woman realizes that she cannot cope with this task herself, then the Internet will always come to her aid. On the net you can find a great variety of articles and videos on this topic. Do not be lazy to watch at least two videos and read two articles on creating correct and harmonious images. For example, basic wardrobe for a woman or always dressed.

Tips for creating harmonious looks

A wardrobe guide will save you from the eternal nothing to wear

When creating your images, it is extremely important to adhere to a few simple rules.

  1. The image should not contain more than three colors. You need to understand that only people who know how to do it can wear red shoes with a green bag.
  2. Don't try to create an unusual look right away. After all, the goal is to create basic looks that can be easily removed from the hanger in the morning, put on and go on business.
  3. When creating them, it is very important to take into account the lifestyle, occupation and places visited by a woman. Naturally, the wardrobe of a female official will be very different from that of a first-year student.
  4. Read, how to combine familiar things in a new way, not boring and stylish, will be in the subject.

A wardrobe guide will save you from the eternal nothing to wear photos of different sets

Step four: the wardrobe guide

Perhaps the most important step is creating a so-called wardrobe guide. Moreover, you can make sure that even while on a business trip, the created guide is always at hand and solves the tasks assigned to it.

Every modern woman has a page on the social network. So this guide can be created right on the page and viewed at any convenient time.

A wardrobe guide will save you from the eternal nothing to wear photo sets

To do this, you should create several albums with the following approximate names:

  • a) winter;
  • b) combined [spring-autumn];
  • into the summer;
  • d) in stock;
  • e) buy.

Next, you should fill out the albums. To do this, you need to search the Internet for pictures with ready-made fashionable images and save those that you like the most. If there is nothing similar to these images in the existing wardrobe, then they should be loaded into the latest album called "Buy".

There, the next time she comes to a clothing store, a woman will know exactly what she wants, and, thanks to this, will gradually collect new unique "bows", instead of a messy and useless mountain of clothes.

It is also necessary to photograph the created images from the existing wardrobe and upload them to the "in stock" album. By the way, there you can also download "bows" from the network, which can be created from things in an existing wardrobe.

In the albums "winter", "spring-autumn" and "summer" we load our own "looks" sorted by seasons and similar images from the Internet, respectively. By the way, this is also conducting on the Internet, on fashionable sites with benefit.

Thus, waking up in the morning, without getting out of bed and quickly looking at the desired album in her mobile application, a woman can always decide what to leave the house in today. And the eternal "nothing to wear" will have to move from this wardrobe to someone else.


the beauty
