7 ideal symbols: attracting wealth to your home

Wealth symbols!

The energy correction of your house or apartment will be considered incomplete if you do not add symbols of wealth to it. Positive statements about the positive influence of symbols on our well-being sometimes push us to purchase them for home. First of all, when choosing money symbols, you should focus not on fashion trends and advertising, but listen to yourself, your inner voice.

Feng Shui symbols of wealth and prosperity

wealth symbols

Surely each of you at home has symbols that attract prosperity and prosperity to your hearth. Thanks to them, money immediately increases, and concepts such as "fortune", gain, new sources of income are firmly entrenched in the family. The most common and popular symbols are various coins, banknotes, amulet for business, magical money souvenirs.

Feng Shui Plants

So that the process of changing the financial situation improves for the better - in the atmosphere at home, feng shui experts advise to include oriental symbols of wealth.

feng shui simvoli

In order to use feng shui correctly, you need to have a compass to determine the cardinal points: south, west, north, east, or, in extreme cases, determine them by the sun in order to accurately position the symbols of the house.

For example, in the south and southeast, experts recommend placing plants, which many call "money trees" - these are succulents. But it will take time to change life and prosperity: weeks, months. And plants are living organisms, they require care and attention from us, do not forget about it.

Mirrors in the house

Mirrors accompany our life in general. In particular, due to the fact that they have the property of reflecting and doubling everything that is reflected in them. Don't expect the world to start changing around you on its own. It is desirable that the mirrors reflect something beautiful and at the same time symbolizing wealth. For example, an aquarium, fountain, money tree or paintings, which in turn attract wealth.

It is worth remembering that the mirror can not be hung everywhere. For example, you cannot opposite the front door, bed, toilet. Feng Shui experts say that the ideal place for a mirror is in front of the dining table. Food symbolizes wealth. As a result, the amount of money will increase. It is important to keep the mirrors clean, and remove cracked and damaged mirrors immediately from home. Read, how to place a mirror in a house in feng shui and improve material well-being.

Pendants and bells

These musical pendants are already firmly established in 90% of apartments, as they serve to attract material wealth. It is important to choose the right place for their location in the house and in accordance with the cardinal points. So for the southern and eastern sides of the house - use wooden pendants and bells, and for the north and west - metal, in the south and south-west - ceramic.


akvarium symbol

The human psyche still remains a mysterious and unknown universe. It is enough to remember how during the day you react to certain events while exclaiming Horror, nightmare! Or vice versa. The beauty! Hence, our emotions, thoughts and feelings model our life as a whole. An aquarium is not only a way to attract wealth, since water is a symbol of money, but also serves to get positive emotions and relaxation.

The only thing is to choose the size of the aquarium based on the size of the room. Remember that large size, on the contrary, can worsen the material condition of the family.The aquarium should be placed on the south or east side of the house, in the corner of the room.

An aquarium requires constant care and maintenance of the fish. The more you take care of them, the more your fortune will be favorable to you. It's good if you launch an odd number of fish, and one of them will certainly be golden.


the fountain

Today there is a huge selection of home fountains on sale. Therefore, it is advisable to listen to your inner voice when buying a fountain. It's great if the fountain makes you feel like a pure source. It should be placed in the southern or northern part of the house, in living rooms, so that it is always in your sight.


If you are going to hang a picture on the wall to attract well-being, then you should choose it based on what is depicted on it. So, it is recommended to purchase paintings for the home depicting fountains, waterfalls, landscapes, bright flowers, trees. Pictures like this attract money.

Red wallet

Feng Shui experts believe that the red wallet attracts money because it activates energy. In this case, it is desirable that the money in the wallet lay neatly folded, arranged in ascending order, from smaller to larger bills. By the way, you can put a cinnamon stick or a drop of peppermint oil in your wallet - this also attracts money.

There are a huge number of other symbols, for example, a windmill, piggy banks, money trees, magnets, which can be found in a store or made by hand. The main thing is that the subject should correspond to the dominant element and be to your liking.


the beauty
