Read this if you are lonely and unhappy.

Lonely does not mean unhappy!

This state is absorbing and it often seems that happiness will never come.

Female loneliness and happiness

Lonely does not mean unhappy

Not so long ago (from the point of view of evolution) the circle of interests for a woman was extremely narrow: children, kitchen, church. Since that time, the horizon has expanded beyond recognition, but they still look askance at single girls, they say, apparently, they have a bad character, since no one gets married. However, one should not rush to conclusions.

Once I heard a strange conversation between a girl and a guy:

"How is your girlfriend? Is dating someone? ”Asked the handsome man.
“No,” the girl replied, blinking her eyes naively.
“Unhappy,” was the answer.

This word haunted me for a long time. And why, in fact, is she unhappy? Let's start with the fact that the times when the only goal of a girl was to get married and raise children are long gone. Also gone are the days of glorious lovers, tournaments for women, and Casanovs, who captivated the hearts of ladies with their intelligence, sexuality, self-confidence and beauty. Now most women are interested in a career and improving their financial situation.

Today, a girl can choose two paths in this life: one is more to the liking of men, and the other will clearly attract women.

Let's talk about the first

It is traditional and sacrificial. You devote all of yourself to your loved one: you sit at the phone waiting for his call, run out on a date, giving up everything, forget about your friends and yourself. And then, having become his wife, cook for him, wash his dirty linen, and at this time he will either walk with his friends, or lie in front of the TV. He is your God, and the gods need to make a sacrifice, and this sacrifice is your life and personality. Let's be frank - almost all men are selfish and want a woman to be with them, give all her attention and give all her strength only to them.

And now the second way

You think about yourself first. You allocate your time in such a way that you can be in time for work, and have a chat with a friend over a cup of coffee, and run into the gym, and then you can think about a date. More precisely, let him think about how to pull you out of this cycle, how to make you find time for him in this busy life. That guys don't want to have a girlfriend like that? It is understandable, because the girl lives for herself, not for you.

Read this if you are lonely and unhappy.

Of course, the above situations are exaggerated in some places, but in general there is a tendency. One of my friends was abandoned by a boyfriend because she began to earn more than he did. And with the second he stopped dating, because she was too busy with work in the middle of the week and could see him only on weekends.

Involuntarily, you remember the tale of Cinderella and you realize that the prince was just a super selfish person - everyone could envy a wife like Cinderella: she cooks, and cleans, and sews, and embroiders. And you yourself calmly sit on the throne and mind your own business. But at night, you can remember about your wife, if you wish. Or you can walk with friends from the neighboring kingdom.

Dreams of a prince

You still dream of a prince - be Cinderella. Imagine that Cinderella, apart from her pots, saw nothing in her life, therefore, she had no education, she did not read books and was a stupid mumbled mum who looked at the reveler prince with wide eyes and naively believed his every word and was simply thrilled by the environment beauty. Wouldn't you be thrilled if you hadn't seen anything besides pots before? Doesn't it seem strange to you that in all fairy tales, the princes chose just such Cinderellas?

Now, about another literary character: Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind. Strong woman! Stubborn and purposeful. Remember the man next to her - rich, attractive, smart? Whether she kept him close to her, and from what time - that's another question.

If you are lonely, it doesn’t mean something is wrong

I just want to say that strong men choose strong women for themselves. And if you are lonely, it does not mean that something is wrong with you. It's just that a man has not yet appeared on the horizon who could be next to a woman like you. If someone says the word "unhappy" in your address, then believe me - he himself is worthy of regret. Better to be alone than with someone. And the legend of the two halves is still true, somewhere in the world this half is. There will be. Our reader shared these reflections anonymously.


the beauty
