Is it better to read a book or watch a movie?

"To each his own art."

What to choose? Such a question often arises before those who like to spend leisure time for the benefit of themselves. This dilemma often arises among your acquaintances and friends. Let's talk about this topic.

book or movie

Modern cinema is replete with all kinds of films with specials. effects. Many writers scribble works in any literary direction. What is the preferred choice in such an abundance of creative works?

The book is the original source, best friend and advisor

"The advantage of the book over the film is obvious." Reading develops attention, replenishes vocabulary, develops the inner spiritual world of a person. When reading the book, we introduce the main characters. Moreover, we see them as we wanted them to be. Compare for yourself the sensational new film adaptation of the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" with the work of the same name by Boris Vasiliev. What would you choose first - to read a book or watch a movie?

Together with the literary characters, we immerse ourselves in their emotions and feelings, empathize with their actions or rejoice with them. The book helps to develop imagination to unprecedented limits.

When we read, we put part of our soul into the heroes and therefore we feel all the threads of the thoughts of the characters in the work. In turn, in the movie, the images of all the characters are thought out for us. This is more the speculation of the director of the film, rather than the author of the book.

At the same time, the thoughts of the heroes are voiced off-screen. Emotions and emotional experiences are not transmitted through the screen. Therefore, an avid reader is unlikely to like such nuances and they say: "A book is better than a movie!" After all, when you read a book, you are a director!

By the way, sometimes we watch a movie in order to be disappointed and once again make sure that the book is better. But, there are exceptions, for example, films: "Heart of a Dog" (M. A. Bulgakov), "French Lessons" (Valentin Rasputin), film adaptation of the stories of Arthur Conan Milk "Sherlock Holmes", "The Young Lady - Peasant Woman" (A. S. Pushkin) everyone likes as much as books. Each of us has our own examples of successful adaptation of famous works.

film adaptation of famous works

Cinema is the engine of progress

Most people don't always have time to read thick books. Sometimes you read, read, but the plot develops slowly and only by the middle of the book can you understand the author's train of thought.

In the film, everything is different. A dynamically developing storyline with clearly defined goals. Experienced moviegoers can predict the ending of a movie literally after watching ten minutes.

book and film

The film is perceived easier than the book. Scientists have proven that visual perception is better developed in humans. That is, you will remember the movie you watched more than the work you read once.

Modern cinemas can immerse you in three-dimensional graphics, making viewing even more fun. Also, recently, it has been practiced to watch films in four-dimensional graphics. The effect is amazing, emotions will overwhelm you in an unprecedented amount.

To each his own art

As you can see, literary works and modern cinema have their own merits and demerits. Anyone has the right to choose leisure activities to their liking. If you have a rich inner world, value self-development and love to dream up, then the book will become your second friend.

If you are a lover of movement, energy and you do not have much free time for a pleasant pastime while reading a book, then the film will undoubtedly suit you. What do you like more - reading a book or watching a movie?


the beauty
