Don't let yourself be offended: how to respond correctly to insults and rudeness

Several strategies for stopping a quarrel!

Psychological methods with which you will be able to close the boorish mouth. According to legend, the concept of "rudeness" came from Noah's son, whose name was Ham. The guy saw that his father was sleeping naked and, instead of covering him up, he ran to talk about it.

It may seem to you that this legend has nothing in common with the conductor who was rude to you yesterday. But you are wrong. After all, rudeness, first of all, speaks of disrespect for others, and secondly, for oneself.

How to prevent the ignition of a conflict situation

Do not let yourself be offended: psychological methods with which it will turn out to close the boor's mouth

Try to get into the position of someone who is rude to you

Keep calm. At first, this task seems overwhelming. And what if you try to find out the circumstances that triggered this behavior. Perhaps this will help, at least, not to take insults sharply. Remember that happy people with adequate self-esteem and self-respect are not rude.

Keep the required distance

As is often the case that a suitable, poignant answer comes too late. This can naturally affect self-esteem and mood. But, the rude (rude) and was not going to enter into polemics. Also, do not succumb to intimidation by the aggressor and show your dismay.

Break the templates

If you can't help reprimanding the rude person, consider why you are doing it. Try not to be aggressive. Try calmly but firmly to convey to the offender that she cannot talk to you like that.

For example: “I noticed that you were hurt by my action. I apologize".
You can also use a little manipulation: "How can I help you?"

Once you have mastered these skills, you will be able to show firmness without sliding down to the level of the offender.

How to respond correctly to insults and rudeness: phrases for getting out of a conflict situation

"Why are you asking me this question?"

This will help you outline the boundaries of your personal space, into which the boor is not allowed to enter.

"Are you asking a question?", "Is this an order?", "Are you stating a fact?"

These phrases will help buy time in order to calm down and stop taking the offender seriously.

"What made you tell me this?"

This phrase can show the rude woman that she has no control over her emotions.

"You shouldn't raise your voice to me", "Don't talk to me in that tone."

Be specific, not abstract.

"What can I do so that you no longer have to be rude to me?"

Try to make contact. Indeed, in situations where there is mutual understanding, rudeness cannot arise. Unfortunately, rudeness has become a common form of behavior today. She is everywhere. Let's start with ourselves and break the chain of circular, mutual rudeness!


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