No wrinkles: eye mask

Leader and favorite, as it is simple and effective!

According to the numerous reviews of women, it can be said for sure that traditional medicine effectively copes with cosmetological problems around the eyes... A mask based on these two simple ingredients will remove dark spots, signs of fatigue and wrinkles under the eyes in just 1-2 treatments. It has shown itself in practice only on the positive side, so pay attention to this time-tested product that moisturizes, nourishes and smoothes the skin.

Mask for wrinkles under the eyes

The mask is best done in the evening, 2 hours before bedtime, in a calm environment, so that the result is effective.

This simple mask contains only 2 ingredients.

How to do:

  • Take one teaspoon of cottage cheese and honey, mix thoroughly, then grind the ingredients together. You will get a good moisturizing and at the same time brightening, lifting mask under the eyes.
  • Then divide the mass into two equal parts and wrap each in a small piece of bandage.
  • Take a comfortable horizontal position and place the prepared compresses over your eyes.
  • The exposure time is 15-20 minutes.
  • After the expiration of time, remove the compresses and rinse your eyes with running water or infusion of fresh parsley, chamomile.

Use no more than 2-3 times a week - you will forget about wrinkles around the eyes! This mask is the leader and favorite, because it is really very simple and effective. Always be great and young! See also: beauty-detox of the skin of the face - we return youth and beauty after winter.


the beauty
