Beauty-detox of the skin of the face: returning youth and beauty after winter

Spring detox program for the skin.

After winter, the skin looks gray and dull, wrinkles are more visible. All this is a negative impact of the environment, unhealthy diet, bad habits, medication and stress. Such a "garbage accumulation" provokes a slowdown in metabolic processes in cells, a deterioration in well-being, a set of extra pounds and premature aging. The beauty detox course will help to restore the former beauty and youth.

Detox facial

Hollywood celebrities are actively promoting detoxification. According to the stars, it is a special detox diet based on taking medications, natural drinks (smoothies, juices, cocktails), low-calorie food without salt and sugar that helps maintain shape and youth. What about the skin?

The skin needs a separate beauty program. It is better to start a recovery course now. At home, procedures usually begin with cleansing - peeling.

Peeling types:

  • - enzyme (based on plant enzymes);
  • - exfoliating (suitable for oily and combination skin);
  • - chemical based on ANA (recommended for normal skin type).

Not only peeling, but also face masks will help get rid of dead cells, impurities, improve blood circulation. It is better to combine them in use - moisturizing with anti-seborrheic. Masks, plasters or patches will help to relax, tidy up the area around the eyes.

Natural detox face masks

Facial detox after winter

Choose a recipe for a mask based on natural products. At home, you can prepare a mask based on cucumber and honey, egg yolk, which nourishes the skin and gives it elasticity. For example, a good result is given by"Budget" course of skin tightening based on flax seeds, read about it here.

But an elementary mask based on parsley and tea will help tighten the skin around the eyes. Just brew tea bags in a decoction of parsley leaves, a course of 10-12 evening procedures.

Masks have a short-term effect, for example, they refresh the face after insomnia, nourish, slightly tighten the skin.

Serums, which are useful for both aging and young skin, and vitamin creams with antioxidants, creams with soothing additives (chamomile, ginseng), as well as those containing a plant cell complex, are endowed with a longer lasting effect. Such cosmetic products are applied every season.

Detox serum

Cosmetics based on antioxidants are beneficial for the skin, they help to remove free radicals from the skin.

At night, during sleep, cells are renewed. Detox products help accelerate the skin's regenerative processes. The main thing in the detoxification course is fasting days for the face. Several days a week complete rejection of any decorative cosmetics.

In any case, no matter what condition the facial skin is in, in the spring it is worthwhile to carry out a number of beauty procedures to stimulate metabolic processes. See also:how to rejuvenate after 40, the rules of facial skin care with the first signs.



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