Baby-like skin: powerful face mask, fast results

If you need a quick effect, I only make this mask.

Applying masks - a simple matter, a woman can perform this procedure in her own home. The mask below is very popular among modern busy ladies, as it has a rejuvenating effect. It will quickly make your face shine like a baby!

Before applying the mask, the face is pre-cleaned of makeup and impurities. Only under this condition will the result be wonderful, the beneficial ingredients are better absorbed into the skin.

Yeast face mask

How to make a mask

Stage 1. A small amount of lemon is squeezed into a suitable container. It is necessary to reduce the high concentration of acid with water 1: 1. Wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in the resulting solution before applying the main mask. Lemon contains vitamin C and fruit acid - they will soften and moisturize the upper layer of the epidermis. Contributes to the effective action of the main mask.

2. stage. Then a small amount of "live" yeast is pounded in a separate bowl (2 tsp). Warm water is added to them (1 teaspoon). If the skin is oily, then the water can be replaced with warm kefir. The ingredients are kneaded, left for 15-20 minutes. After that, the resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the face, avoiding the eyelid area.

It is noteworthy that yeast is a "live" product, enriched with vitamins B and E, contains niacin, biotin, folic acid. The unique unicellular fungi that make up yeast are able to multiply very quickly and activate intradermal processes, which allows skin rejuvenate and freshen up.

3rd stage. After applying the yeast to the skin, you must first cover your face with a paper (or cling film) mask, and then cover with a towel dipped in sufficiently hot clean water. Heating will allow the vessels to expand, and the skin will receive more nutrients. This process renews the face. In one procedure, it is necessary to wet the towel at least five times.

Then ice

After the mask is washed off, the yeast residues are removed, ice must be applied. After pouring a few cubes into the palm of your hand, ice is applied in a circular motion over the entire surface of the face. Ice is important in this procedure, as it has the effect of vasoconstriction, provides lymphatic drainage and soft skin lifting. Cold tones the subcutaneous muscles, ice contracts them, and the muscle frame is strengthened. It is not necessary to carry out the procedure for more than one minute.

The lightness that comes after applying this mask and all related procedures will allow the skin to shine for a long time. If you make such a mask regularly, then for many more years you can enjoy the youthfulness of the face.

Important: you should know that the main component of the mask is yeast. However, dry pouches will not work. It is advisable to purchase the yeast in a "live" briquette. Most often they are sold in markets or in bakery stores. The recipe was sent by our reader.


the beauty
