Cosmetics with retinol: 3 main rules for anti-wrinkle use

Retinol cream is the best anti-age remedy, use it correctly and you will be forever young.

Retinol (vitamin A) is a common ingredient in anti-aging cosmetics for a reason. Fighting pigmentation, stimulating collagen production and, as a result, reducing wrinkles are the effects for which it is rightfully appreciated in cosmetology.

However, the beneficial properties of retinol will never appear if you do not follow the rules for its use. What's more, misuse can harm the skin. How can you avoid this?

Retinol cream 1% Life Flo Retinol

1. Combine correctly

Anti-acne products often contain salicylic acid and alpha hydroxy acids. By reacting with vitamin A, they cause skin redness. If the composition contains benzoyl peroxide, it must be borne in mind that it will negate the effect of retinol.

The best option is to apply a moisturizer before applying the vitamin A cream. This combination will provide relief from dryness and irritation of the skin. At the same time, retinol and moisturizing lotion do not suppress each other's actions and do not lead to unwanted reactions.

2. Bigger is not better

Whatever the miraculous properties of cosmetics with retinol, it should be used in moderation. This applies to both the amount of the applied product and the frequency of use.

Vitamin A creams can cause subtle skin irritation. This is especially true at the beginning of their use. However, pronounced peeling and redness is a signal of an incorrectly selected dosage. It is worth consulting with a dermatologist about how often and how much to apply the cream.

3. Apply regularly

The skin does not immediately get used to the means with vitamin A. It adapts within 2-3 weeks, during this period a reaction in the form of slight redness is possible. The main thing is not to stop using the cream, otherwise addiction will not come. Gradually, the redness will subside, and the rejuvenating effect will be fully manifested. It is advisable to use the open cream within 3 months, store it in the refrigerator, so vitamin A will retain its properties.

By adhering to these guidelines, you will be able to get the most out of your retinol cosmetics. You can learn more about retinol creams in this video:

However, we strongly recommend that in addition to retinol, purchase a proven cream that contains antioxidants and panthenolAlways use sunscreen, even if you spend most of your time indoors. We are sure you enjoyed our tips. So don't forget to share them with your friends and be sure to apply yourself. We recommend: powerful effect, masks that will return youth and beauty.


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