Powerful effect: masks that bring back youth and beauty

No expensive products and cosmetic procedures!

All women love to take care of themselves and maintain their beauty. Facial skin needs special, gentle care. This is helped not only by beauty products, innovative procedures, but also masks prepared by oneself. It is advisable to apply “care” masks in the evening every 7 days for 30 minutes, if there are no other recommendations. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the recommended recipes for perfect skin.

7 masks will return youth and beauty

Aloe Vera Mask: Clean Face

This mask not only perfectly cleanses, but also nourishes the skin. It will be useful for aging and problem skin. Take 2 tablets of crushed activated charcoal and mix with a teaspoon of fresh aloe vera juice, coarse sea salt and 2 drops of tea tree oil. Dilute the resulting mixture a little with water. The exposition is 30-40 minutes.

Honey mask: minus 10 years

Combine 0.5 teaspoons of gelatin with cold water, hold until swelling, then heat until dissolved. Mix with 1 teaspoon of liquid natural honey (an excellent remedy against skin "fatigue") and put in the refrigerator to harden. Add 1 tbsp to the mass. l almond or olive oil. Beat the mixture until a homogeneous mass is obtained; before application, you can add juice or pulp of fresh fruits.

Banana mask - smooth and hydrated skin

Since all skin types need nourishment and hydration, it is a good idea to do 1/3 banana mask... It needs to be chopped to a puree-like gruel using a blender or fork. Add a spoonful of honey, freshly squeezed ginger juice, 1 tsp. olive oil and apply on face. Wait 20 minutes and rinse. The skin will become velvety and hydrated.

Gelatin mask: instead of cleansing the face

Gelatin mask perfectly cleans the face. Dissolve it 1 to 1 in water and let it swell. Add a spoonful of glycerin and apply on face for a third of an hour. The result will amaze you.

From lemon juice: against age spots

A mask of lemon juice will lighten and refresh the face. Squeeze it out of the lemon, add some olive oil and apply it all over your face. Wait until it dries completely and rinse off.

From Chamomile Decoction: Instant Soothing Effect

A mask made from a decoction of chamomile will perfectly soothe the skin and relieve it of dryness and redness. This mask has an instant effect. Add honey to the broth and apply to the skin. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse. You will be satisfied.

From the yolk: against peeling

Since the yolk contains natural fats, it will help deeply moisturize the skin and relieve flaking. For cooking, take the yolk and olive oil, mix, and use to your health. We are sure you enjoyed our selection of recipes! Share useful information with your friends, they will be grateful to you! We recommend: powerful homemade anti-crow's feet serum.


the beauty
