Erase Wrinkles: A Powerful Homemade Crow's Feet Serum

DIY recipe: eye contour serum - forget about wrinkles!

We continue to introduce you to homemade masks and serums against "crow's feet", they will restore the water balance of the epidermis, restore skin elasticity, eliminate a fine mesh of wrinkles around the eyes.

A hand-made serum is extremely useful, contains only natural highly effective ingredients and, if used systematically, will perfectly cope with tired skin, mimic wrinkles around the eyes, signs of fatigue.

Do-it-yourself serum against mimic wrinkles

You will need:

  • vitamin E 1 capsule (a powerful antioxidant that fights skin aging);
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of coconut oil (deeply moisturizes);
  • 0.5 teaspoons of camphor oil (natural antiseptic, widely used in the fight against deep and dynamic wrinkles);
  • small glass container.

How to make and apply:

Mix all the oils in a small container. Transfer to a small glass container. In the evening, immediately before going to bed, distribute the serum on the eyelids, around the eyes, do not rinse, leave overnight. Natural oils have a deep penetrating ability, moisturize, smooth, and gradually even out delicate skin. Use the serum for both treatment and daily preventative care. It helps to enhance the effect of other cosmetic procedures and products.

Never doubt your beauty! Share useful information with your friends, they will be grateful to you! See also: "Crow's feet" - effective home and pharmaceutical remedies (1 part).


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