Instead of botox: inexpensive pharmacy anti-wrinkle ointments

We rejuvenate with the help of inexpensive pharmaceutical preparations.

Over time, all the emotions and stresses experienced are reflected on a woman's face, as a result, the first dynamic (mimic) wrinkles appear. However, women are able to eliminate them, and all thanks to inexpensive pharmaceutical preparations-ointments, they provide a high therapeutic effect, help smooth the skin and increase its elasticity.
Instead of botox - pharmacy ointments

- Retinoic ointment

Retinol is the main medicinal component of the ointment. Vitamin A is considered to be the main remedy for aging, prolongs the youth of skin cells. Simply put, retinol stimulates collagen synthesis, works like fillers, gradually fills in wrinkles. As a prevention of age-related changes, the drug is distributed on a dry face 2-3 times a week, if the wrinkles are deep, then it is possible more often, it has a cumulative effect.

- Radevit

In addition to vitamin A, the composition of the ointment contains D and E. Its constant use with massaging movements only improves the appearance of the skin. At the same time, wrinkles are smoothed, visually the face becomes quite fresh. Radevit is applied once a day.

- Zinc ointment

It has various useful properties, its application in the problems of cosmetology is quite wide. One of them is wrinkle smoothing. Zinc perfectly protects the skin from the effects of sunlight due to its natural sunscreen properties. After all, everyone knows that the sun is the main cause of rapid skin aging. It is recommended to use the ointment before going outside. Since zinc has a drying effect, use the ointment in tandem with any moisturizer.

- Hydrocortisone ointment

Many women use it instead of injections for wrinkles, retains moisture in the skin, visibly smoothes the dermis. The ointment is applied in a thin layer several times a day.

- Relief

It is usually used to treat hemorrhoids. But it has been used for a long time in the processes of skin wilting. The drug, due to the content of shark liver oil, leads to tissue compaction and cell regeneration. The drug quickly removes puffiness and swelling under the eyes. Relief is best used twice a day.

- Ointment "Heparin"

It has earned positive reviews due to the fact that it helps to solve problems with puffiness under the eyes, lightens dark circles, relieves early expression wrinkles. The ointment is carefully distributed only to problem areas.

- Solcoseryl

We recently told you about this drug, its amazing anti-aging effect is legendary on the Internet (read reviews). Solcoseryl is used all over the face, including the area around the eyes. A thin layer of ointment is applied at night 1 time in 10 days.

The advantages of ointments are:

good effect; the presence of safe components in their composition; low cost; ease of use. The disadvantages of ointments are: certain contraindications; allergic reactions to some components in some cases. Therefore, before using them, read the attached instructions well and do not forget to consult with a dermato-cosmetologist who will select the necessary concentration and course.

See: how to make a face mask based on Solcoseryl ointment has an amazing rejuvenating effect.


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