Facial mask based on Solcoseryl ointment: stunning rejuvenating effect

We rejuvenate with the help of a pharmacy ointment.

Every woman dreams of keeping her face youthful for a long time. Let's talk about a stunning rejuvenating face mask based on the drug "Solcoseryl". It is used in medicine to treat various injuries of the upper layer of the skin.

What's important

The enriched composition of the ointment contains active substances, they freely penetrate into deeper layers, having a beneficial effect on the skin.

Mask based on the drug Solcoseryl

Solcoseryl ointment can be purchased at any pharmacy. After application to the skin of the face, the blood supply improves, the skin is saturated with useful substances, moisturized, wrinkles are smoothed, turgor and elasticity are restored, and this is only a small part of the positive effect.

The fact is that the ointment contains cetyl alcohol, which helps to effectively restore and protect the skin of the face, making it elastic, smooth and taut. That is why cosmetologists recommend using Solcoseryl ointment specifically for rejuvenation and smoothing of wrinkles.

However, you must follow the rules for using the drug for anti-aging purposes.

  1. So, the drug should be applied to the face no more than once a week, leaving it to act overnight. In the morning, carefully remove the leftovers.
  2. Making a mask, cover the entire surface of the face with a thick layer of ointment, including around the eyes. Exposition 1 hour. Then we wash and apply a regular nourishing cream.

Mask - "Solcoseryl" with vitamins A and E:

squeeze out a few centimeters of ointment on a saucer or into a small container and add 2-4 drops of vitamins A and E (sold at the pharmacy). It is great if, before applying such a mask, you wipe your clean face with a 2-fold diluted drug Dimexide (freely sold in the pharmacy), which will enhance the effect of solcoseryl. Exposure on the face for 30 minutes. Then wash yourself. Apply no more than 1 time in 10 days. It is important to buy an ointment at the pharmacy, not a gel.

Apply the above mask, it will provide a truly amazing anti-aging effect, it is already legendary. We hope you share the recipe with your friends. See other beauty recipes: we erase age from the face with tablespoons, how to make a rejuvenating massage.


the beauty
