How to turn a man's head so that he is crazy about you

Every girl must learn to kindle the fire of passion if she wants to catch the desired gentleman.

A long-term relationship is impossible without love, devotion, general coziness and comfort. However, tying them is not easy. The filling of love is served under a shell of passion, which sometimes inspires unthinkable deeds and makes a person tightly attached to the object of sighing. Every girl must learn how to kindle this fire if she wants to catch the desired gentleman in her nets. How to do it?

How to turn a man's head

Be spectacular

Young men, especially handsome and charming, have high demands on women. There is no getting away from this, no matter how much one wants to believe that the main thing is the soul. Therefore, the first task is to look good, smell delicious, speak in a pleasant voice, be polite, well-mannered and tactful. An important point: graceful manners don't have to be well-trained. You need to be able to look natural and add some peppercorn, playfulness, even childishness.


Good flirting is built on hints, semitones. His task is to intrigue, arouse interest, a desire for close rapprochement. Conversations on intimate topics are acceptable, but without straightforward details. It is appropriate to maintain a playful, frivolous tone. On occasion, you can pamper a man with a hot photo, which shows the back, bare shoulder, edge of the thigh, abdomen, but not the chest and other intimate places. Let him get a "demo version", and the sequel still needs to be earned!

Pay attention to him

In conversations, you need to minimize information about yourself and be more interested in him. It is known that a braggart boy lives in every man! If a woman managed to awaken him, this is a good sign. Let the guy talk about his life and brag about his achievements, while listening to him with interest and expressing sincere admiration.

Create a deficit

Don't go overboard about your life. There should be intrigue in everything. On dates, you can't give in to masculine charm and relax. Vigilance should work enough to get and please, but not become routine, and like an elusive Cinderella, leave the meeting first. This will inflame desire and slightly hurt male pride. Such a girl will be very profitable and non-trivial to look against the background of fans who are ready to throw themselves into arms at the first call.

Make him feel like a hero

The more a man invests in a relationship, the less he wants to lose it. There is no need to forbid him to perform feats when he wants to pay the bill, give up his seat, offer his jacket in a draft, move a chair, help put on a coat. Important note: Don't ask. Better between times to complain about a problem, if he reacts and takes the initiative to help in solving it, it is worth accepting it and generously repaying it.


the beauty
