How to stop loving: 6 most effective methods that will definitely help

How to stop loving, what to do.

How to stop loving? Almost everyone in their life sooner or later encounters unrequited love. Someone she overtakes on the school bench, someone already in old age. Whether it is worth by hook or by crook to seek an answer to your love, or to suffer hopelessly, or to uproot it from your heart - it's up to you. This article proposes to free yourself from it and find yourself a new mutual love, because you are created for happiness!

"Out of sight, out of mind!"

How to stop loving six effective ways

This is folk wisdom! Stop chasing your love object. This applies to both personal meetings and calls, and tracking his life on social networks and through acquaintances. Delete all his photos from your phone, camera and computer. Try to distance yourself as much as possible. If possible, you can move on vacation to another city, or even better to relax in an exotic country.

Find his faults

Look at your beloved from the side. There are no ideal people, everyone must have some flaws in their appearance. You need to inflate them to repulsive incredible sizes. His photograph should become a caricature for you.

There was such a case. One woman was crazy about a married man, but realizing the futility of her claims, she turned to a doctor for help. At the request of the doctor, she brought quite a nice photo of her lover.

The psychotherapist, having found in him some resemblance to a bird, began to conduct psychotherapeutic sessions with the suggestion that the beloved had a repulsive gaze, too round and small eyes, too sharp a nose, a small head, and so on. Towards the end of the course of treatment, she wondered how she could have liked a guy with such a repulsive appearance.

Get mad at him

In addition to flaws in appearance, there are certainly flaws in character. Perhaps he showed elements of stinginess towards you, or forgot to keep his promises, lied, betrayed, ignored you and did not lend a helping hand in a difficult moment for you. Dig into your memory, you probably have something to be offended at. Get angry with him and yourself for letting him treat you like that.

Spend time actively

Go hiking with friends, go skiing, go to the theater, or buy a gym membership or dance class. You can plunge headlong into studies, start a dissertation, delve into creativity. Firstly, all this will allow you to distract yourself, and secondly, you will receive bonuses for your work, which is important for raising self-esteem.

"Fight fire with fire"

Fight fire with fire

The people know what they are talking about. This has been repeatedly tracked in the fates of other people. Look around with a new look, before, except for your beloved, you did not notice anyone. But there may be someone who likes you for a long time. If there is none, then you need to get acquainted. And for this the next point.


Spending time actively is useful not only for distracting your thoughts from the object of addiction, but also for new acquaintances. And it doesn't even matter how they end. A short novel can play the role of a "wedge", which was written about earlier. We wish you love only mutual and only happy!


the beauty
