The art of seduction: "Leo woman" whom she desires, that she gets

Horoscope of the charming seductress - "woman-LEO"!

If there was a prize for aggressive or professional seduction of men, then without any doubt it would be given to women-LIVES, who spend almost half of their lives just for this occupation.

Seductress female lion

And immediately we note that they do it almost unconsciously, and that the endless seduction of representatives of the opposite sex (often exclusively on an emotional level) is a condition for LION women for their normal existence.

The fact is that LION women are so accustomed to being in the center of attention and to the fact that in any company or team it is they who are in the spotlight, they cannot live without it. Because as soon as a man shows even a little indifference, a LEO woman immediately uses her entire vast arsenal to seduce him.

Moreover, she rarely brings the matter to bed or even a date. It is important for her that the man thinks that this can happen at the very next moment. And the LEO woman does not hide - yes, it can happen, although she knows perfectly well that it will never happen.

And this despite the fact that almost every LEO woman cannot boast of a huge number of s * xu partners. After all, they are all honestly waiting for their "lion" - the leader, breadwinner and spiritual leader of the pride, the creation of which these women dream so much. But when such an alpha male appears, he sees a woman in front of him, ready to seduce anyone, thanks to which he draws conclusions about her availability and ... Passes by the LION woman, despite all her efforts to make such a man her own.

What to do?

Be a little more restrained. To understand that many small, irrelevant victories are not worth one huge, but so important victory for you. Give up hunting for "small game" in order to win the grand prize when the time comes. Do not miss: how do loving zodiac signs behave? Are their feelings lasting or fleeting.


the beauty
