If you behave like this, then you alienate the man from you.

Such women can remain lonely.

The appearance of a woman is perhaps the only thing that a man pays attention to when he first meets. For a while, he may be fascinated by her external attractiveness, but after three or four meetings he will want to find common ground and learn about the inner world of the person who so interested him at first sight. Consider situations in which a man is most likely to lose interest in establishing more lasting contact with a woman.

If a woman behaves this way, then she repels a man.

The presence of a man in a woman's life is as necessary as air

A woman's too obvious need for male care will not go unnoticed. A certain way of thinking and style of behavior - all this "betrays" a woman who does not feel like an integral and harmonious person without the presence of a man nearby. The man will take note of this and, most likely, pause the communication. Advice - do not fill all his space with yourself, this inevitably leads to a heavy feeling of "overeating". Maintain a mild feeling of hunger.

Low self-esteem and its increase only in the presence of a man

Many women who do not have natural confidence in themselves and in their beauty begin to feel much happier only with the appearance of a man in their life. The problem is being solved in order to remain interesting to your man, you need to continuously, day and night, work on yourself. It is important to remember: a relationship with a man may end, but the acquired self-confidence will remain.

There is nothing worse than telling a new man about your ex.

Impossibility to let go past relationship and long-term depression is not the best condition for a woman who starts a new relationship. We will not exclude the fact that some men will gladly take advantage of this state of helplessness, but the vast majority still do not want to be in a relationship with a woman who has not recovered from a previous relationship.

Excessive emotionality in behavior - "swing"

The natural restraint of most men simply does not allow one to be serious about the emotional outbursts and violent reactions of a woman, to anything. Men consider excessive drama to be simply unfounded. They perfectly understandthat the more delight a woman shows, the more aggressive the quarrels and tantrums that come to replace him.

The tendency of women to find a secret meaning in various situations (in fact, it may not exist), to guess signs and hints - all this can only alienate a man from a woman who so attracted him at the initial stage of communication.


the beauty
