5 sure signs: how not to be deceived in a man when you meet?

How to tell a great man from a crook?

Can a normal man be immediately distinguished from a crook? Can. You just need to listen carefully and observe.

A man of easy virtue pours out compliments, cheerful, bright, confident, impudent. He doesn't care how a woman behaves, what she is wearing, the main thing is to get what he wants.

How not to be deceived in a man when meeting.

1. Successful normal men want to know more about women

He will be silent, look closely, ask questions. It is important for him to know what kind of woman is sitting in front of him. Therefore, he will watch how the woman behaves. He will never allow himself to be disrespected.

2. To get to know a man better, a woman can be asked what annoyed or upset him in the past.

If, for example, he blames himself for everything. This speaks of his responsibility. And if everyone around is to blame, then the person has a personality disorder, and you shouldn't even start a relationship with him.

It is typical for a crook to start getting acquainted with a non-standard phrase in order to unsettle a woman. Immediately begins tactile contact, then hold the elbow, then straighten the hair. The goal is one - to get a phone number. There is an overt desire for sex in conversation and actions.

How to tell a normal man from a crook

He will mirror the woman's movements - speak as she does. The woman has the impression that she has met her soul mate. One has only to translate the conversation to specific topics, the man, instead of answering, throws questions at the woman. It is important for him not to talk about himself, but to get as much information as possible about a woman so that he can then use her for personal gain.

3. A normal man will briefly tell about himself, he has nothing to hide

A man's speech can tell a lot. If he builds phrases with mistakes, and then suddenly quotes Pushkin, this is an obvious rogue. He knows for sure that a woman "loves with her ears." I memorized a couple of poems to impress.

4. A normal man is honest and sincere

He has a direct open gaze. If the eyes are running, hands are sweating, breathing is rapid, he may say one thing, but body language will say another. It can be seen that something is hiding. This is an obvious rogue. Such a man is incapable of being responsible. It is necessary to ask a question and carefully not so much listen to the answer as observe.

5. A normal man has an interest in something.

A person is fascinated by something, there is a desire for change. He is not afraid of competition, he has a desire to win. A woman should ask him about victories. He will gladly tell you about it. Any normal man loves to brag. The rogue has only one interest - by any means to charm a woman who has come on a date, to deceive, achieve his goal and disappear. He is not in the mood for a long-term relationship.

The main thing is not to rush, observe carefully, fewer words, listen more.


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