Hair grease and how to deal with it: top 5 important nuances

Top problems with oily hair - and how to fix them.

No volume? Hair gets dirty quickly, dandruff? Greasy hair Is one of the most popular self-care problems. Moreover, this does not always indicate that a woman does not take care of her hair. This problem can arise due to many factors. But whatever it is, it's very inconvenient. After all, it seems like yesterday the woman washed her hair and wanted to see a voluminous head of hair for several days. But because of the excess sebum, the hair looks the opposite, slicked. So how do you deal with this?

Oily hair and how to deal with it - important nuances


Most often, a similar problem appears due to the wrong shampoo. You should not choose shampoos with harsh ingredients, hoping that such a product will reduce the production of sebum. Shampoo should be chosen exclusively for your skin type and nothing else. Indeed, due to the wrong shampoo, not only excessive fat content, but also dandruff may appear. Also, do not forget to pay attention to the composition. Review it carefully to see if there are any substances for which you have allergy, this can also be one of the reasons for excessive oily hair. Any shampoo should be changed every two to three months to avoid scalp getting used to it.

Oily hair and how to deal with it

Favorite products containing nettle, chamomile, sage, clay, vitamins A and C and essential oils.

the washing up

Here, too, has its own subtleties. Do not use hot water, it opens pores and stimulates the production of fat. Try to wash your hair only in warm water, which is not higher than room temperature. And at the end of washing, rinse them with cool water, this technique will help close the pores.

Air conditioning

Many girls cannot do without this tool. But usually, the conditioner contains oils that will only add greasiness to the hair. Therefore, choose a conditioner with a light texture and a minimal amount of oil, or avoid using it altogether if possible.

Additional care

Products such as masks and end oils work very well for our hair. But at the same time, they can also pollute them. Therefore, do not apply the mask further than the ends of the hair so as not to contaminate the roots. And apply oils quite a bit, before that, thoroughly rub in your hands.

Nutrition and other factors

Nutrition also affects our hair. Fatty and fried foods also provoke a similar problem. Hats and pillowcases may also be the cause, so be sure to keep an eye on them. cleanliness... Your personal comb and hairbrush should also remain clean, and in no case should you share these items even with your closest friend. And the last thing - styling products, do not overdo it with their application, because the hair will immediately look untidy. Volume and health to your hair!


the beauty
