Healthy & Long: 9 Secrets to Fast Hair Growth

Hair not growing? We have 9 tips on how to grow hair longer.

Often seeking to radically change their image, girls cut their long hair in the hope that a trendy haircut will suit them more. True, the result is not always pleasing. But do not despair, we have several simple recommendations, following which you can return the previous length as soon as possible.

How to grow long hair the right way

Fortified diet

Healthy food is the key to not only excellent well-being, but also a flawless appearance. In order for the hair to look perfect and grow quickly, it is necessary to include in the daily menu food enriched with vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E and such microelements as zinc, iodine, calcium, iron and sulfur.

The right combs

Good blood circulation in the scalp is a prerequisite for hair growth. To stimulate growth, comb thoroughly at least 4 times a day. It is preferable to choose massage combs or brushes with natural bristles. In addition to a wide soft brush, the most correct option for a good comb is the tangl tizer. Provides gentle combing without damaging hair, even if it is wet.

9 secrets for hair growth


This manipulation helps to strengthen hair follicles, improve blood circulation and accelerate metabolic processes. The easiest thing to do is to massage your head while washing for a few minutes. A more effective option is to resort to the help of massagers. They can be different: from the banal "goosebumps" to more complex devices that provide a whole range of health procedures.

Home masks

An old proven remedy that stimulates hair growth is "hot" masks based on pepper, mustard, ginger or onion. Their effectiveness is due to the fact that they improve blood flow, thereby ensuring the delivery of all nutrients.

Proper application of hair growth products

Firstly, shampoo, mask and balm must be selected with a mark for hair growth. Secondly, before applying a balm or mask, you need to blot your hair with a towel so that it becomes not wet, but damp (water should stop draining from it). Otherwise, the funds will work much worse. This is due to the fact that beneficial ingredients cannot penetrate the hair due to excess moisture. Apply the balm on the palm of your hand, then run through the hair from roots to ends (this is just a direction). We do not put anything on the roots themselves, if the product does not contain the mark “for scalp”, otherwise the product will make the scalp “stale” much faster.

How to grow hair fast

Aroma combing

The most pleasant way to influence hair growth and health. It successfully combines the beneficial effects of masks and massage, does not require special devices and is easily applicable at home. All it takes is a comb and a blend of essential oils suitable for the particular hair type. You can also apply base oils: olive, coconut, jojoba. Spread the oil along the length of damp or dry hair, starting with a few drops, paying attention to the ends. After that, the hair is combed.


Another useful procedure, known to everyone since the days of our grandmothers. Rinses with apple cider vinegar and medicinal herbs (nettle, oregano, yarrow) work well.

Regular haircut

It would seem that it sounds paradoxical: in order to grow curls, they need to be cut. But there is a rationale behind this. To maintain beauty and health, it is necessary to cut off split ends.This is done at least once every few months, preferably on the growing moon.

Regular hair cutting


The main secret of fast hair growth is that it is advisable to carry out all of the above actions in a complex and not from time to time, but with a certain frequency, then the result will not keep you waiting long.


the beauty
