The top secret to perfect Kardashian hair you need to know

Heed the recommendations of the star stylist.

Healthy hair is characterized by shine, volume and well-groomed ends. Recently, famous hairstylist E. Fitzsimons (@ andrewfitzsimons) spoke about the main secrets of perfect Kardashian hair, which stands out from other stars with perfect chic hair. These secrets can be used by all women, take them into service.

Khloe Kardashian long hair

The stylist explained that one of the simplest ways to get great hair and beautiful hair is to regularly apply dry oil. A small amount of the product must be distributed over the entire surface of the hair. From top to bottom, from roots to tips, for the final touch. The oil will give incredible shine even to owners of blond hair. Most importantly, do not overdo it so as not to get the effect of wet hair.

The main secrets of perfect Kardashian hair

In addition, to protect your hair, you should wash it correctly, use dry shampoos and always use thermal protection agents. According to the stylist, wet hair (especially after dyeing) is incredibly vulnerable. Any excessive force (combing) can lead to length breakage, serious damage to the cuticle. Therefore, the first step is to dry your hair, and then comb and style.

Khloe Kardashian and stylist Fitzsimons
Fitzsimons stylist on the left.

Hair beauty also depends on the drinking regime. The specialist advises to drink up to 10 glasses of plain water a day so that the hair does not suffer from dehydration and shines.

Kardashian hair beauty secrets

Also, the secret of the luxurious hair of famous beauties lies in high-quality hair extensions. They add extra thickness and volume to the hairstyle. This approach helps out many stars, especially when going out in public.

Kim kardashian hair extensions


the beauty
