Gelatin face masks: with lifting and detoxifying effect

The famous mask! We make and enjoy the effect.

Gelatin is a readily available material that can be used to formulate several effective face masks. These products will help solve the problems of both dry and oily skin. Cheeks and double chin will be tightened! Constantly used anti-aging gelatin masks, will make the skin young and beautiful.

Gelatin face masks


Take gelatin and mix it with cool water in the ratio of one tablespoon of gelatin powder and half a glass of cold water. Further, the gelatin will be infused until it absorbs all the water and swells. After the gelatin has swollen, it will need to be put in a cold place for a few minutes, and then melted in a water bath so that it becomes liquid again. This manipulation can be done using a microwave oven. The mixture is almost ready, it can be cooled slightly so that it is comfortable to apply on the face.

Are we applying?

Spread the mask over the face with a spatula. It will be hot at first, but the gelatin on the face cools quickly. Never put gelatin on your lips or skin around your eyes. We rest for 20 minutes.

Then we remove the mask-film in one layer, starting to tear it off from the ears towards the center of the face. It is necessary to remove the mask carefully, without sudden movements, so as not to injure the skin. Previously, the mask frozen on the face can be soaked with warm water. So that the gelatin becomes wet again and easily peels off the skin.

the effect

Gelatin masks can be used at any age. They have a powerful effect on metabolic processes in the skin, smooth, have a lifting effect (due to natural collagen and mechanical action). In addition, in cosmetology, these masks turned out to be in demand due to the fact that they solve many problems of oily skin. From cleansing pores to eliminating oily sheen.

Additional ingredients

  • Gelatin masks with the addition of such components as kefir, yogurt, egg yolk, honey, vitamin E nourish normal and dry skin, make it more toned, fresh and firm.
  • For oily and combination skin types (gelatin base), it is recommended to add crushed black activated carbon. Dissolve it in warm milk - Detox effect... Immediately before use, drip tea tree or grapefruit essential oil into the composition.

Make the mask a course and enjoy the effect! Do not miss: effective mask for tightening the skin of the face - yeast and coffee... Text:


the beauty
