Effective and even very effective: face masks that reduce wrinkles

These masks shape and tighten the contours of the face in a natural way.

The desire to look good and young never goes away. No matter how old a woman is, she will strive to reduce wrinkles on her face, return blush to her cheeks, and general tone and freshness to her face. But, unfortunately, not all women can find free hours to visit a beauty salon. There is an exit. You can combine household chores and facials. Here we will describe some face masks that will help the skin glow again with health, cleanliness, wrinkles will go away and the oval of the face will undoubtedly tighten.

In the first place is the chicken egg protein mask

Homemade anti-wrinkle masks

It is quite strong lifting effect procedure... Take a small cup, spoon, egg, some sugar, and a cotton ball. Separate the white from the yolk. We no longer need the yolk, you can put it in the refrigerator and add it to the omelet the next day when preparing breakfast.

And for the mask we use protein - mix it together with one third of a teaspoon of sugar. Do not spare your strength, beat until a good foam. Now apply the mask with a cotton pad to your face, which has been cleared of cosmetics. Leave to dry, you will feel the skin tighten, do not be alarmed - this is normal.

It is extremely important, at the moment when there is a mask on your face, not to talk and relax your face as much as possible. It would be ideal to lie on the bed. Thus, you need to repeat several times - apply the mask, wait for drying, apply a layer on top again. The total time of the procedure is no more than thirty minutes. At the end, you need to wash off the mask from the face with cool water andanesthetize along the massage lines any nourishing cream that suits you.

Another effective wrinkle-reducing mask - from gelatin

It nourishes and tightens your skin, gives tone and freshness. You need two teaspoons of gelatin, one tablespoon of cow's milk, a small bowl and a spoon. Mix gelatin with milk and let it brew for five minutes. Then stir until smooth and place in a microwave oven at the lowest power, heating time no longer than fifteen seconds.

It is very important here to prevent the gelatin from boiling, otherwise its properties will be lost. Stir the resulting mass, in consistency it should be similar to medium-thick jelly. Apply to face. Leave to dry and peel off with your hands when the mask turns into a film. The effect will not be long in coming - you will see beautiful, moisturized skin in the mirror.

Thus, in conditions of limited time, it is quite possible to afford good facial care and, as a result, collect many compliments. Do not miss: gelatinous face masks, lifting and detoxifying effect... Text: trends.desigusxpro.com/en/.


the beauty
