Bad habits that make you wrinkle

You didn't even know about them.

Moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing, protecting - these are the most beneficial beauty rituals familiar to every woman, they help to keep the skin smooth and youthful. But bad habits, on the contrary, lead to the rapid appearance of wrinkles, which can occur even in 20 years. No one is immune from visible skin wrinkles, therefore cosmetologists recommend getting rid of these habits as soon as possible in order to stay young longer.

Bad habits that lead to wrinkles

Sleep on your side or stomach

Alas, wrinkles around the eyes and puffy eyelids can appear not only from constant lack of sleep or stress. The reason may be hiding in the wrong position of your body during sleep. If you notice that bruises and swelling under your eyes are not leaving you, this is a very eloquent signal that you need to change the habit of sleeping on your stomach.

The habit of constantly drinking coffee

Do you have dry, dehydrated skin or wrinkles around your eyes? As a rule, the reason lies in the invigorating drink. It has long been known that coffee dries the skin, has a diuretic effect, and accelerates the aging process of the skin. It is enough just to drink a glass of clean water before a cup of a fragrant drink or to give up coffee altogether. The choice is yours.

The bad habit of drinking coffee

Excessive zeal in cleansing the skin

Excessive zeal only hurts you, it is better to avoid. Therefore, daily cleansing of the skin deserves special mention. The modern beauty industry allows you to choose soft products for removing cosmetics that do not lead to micro-trauma to the skin, dry skin and the appearance of wrinkles. Aggressive mechanical face scrubs are better suited to enzymatic scrubs.

The habit of constantly talking on the phone

This habit leads to the appearance of wrinkles on the neck, harms your skin and beauty... Cosmetologists recommend trying to keep the smartphone at eye level, monitor the position of the neck, then wrinkles can be avoided. Beauty really does require sacrifice.

The habit of sitting at the computer for a long time

Sometimes everything is simple: cosmetologists have noticed that women who constantly sit at the computer run the risk of acquiring early wrinkles and not only on the neck, due to the constant tilt of the head down. This bad habit leads to back problems, dry skin, ptosis, double chin, fine lines around the eyes and excess weight.

Bad habits leading to the appearance of wrinkles

The thing is that the body malfunctions, due to the infrared radiation of the computer screen, the production of collagen (a connecting protein) is disrupted, its synthesis decreases, which leads to premature aging. Do not be lazy to get up from your computer more often and walk more! And an early appeal to a beautician, procedures, quality care will help prevent the negative influence of a computer and other bad habits on your beauty.


the beauty
